Mouse JUNO-IZUMO1 complex structure prediction.
(A) The crystal structure of the human JUNOE/IZUMO1E complex (PDB 5F4E) (Aydin et al., 2016), shown in cartoon representation and colored by chain (left) or by B-factor (right).
(B) AlphaFold-Multimer template-free prediction of the structure of the human JUNOE/IZUMO1E complex. The top-ranked model has a ranking confidence (rc = 0.8*predicted interface Template Modeling score (ipTM) + 0.2*predicted Template Modeling score (pTM)) of 0.87, and an average root mean square deviation (RMSD) from PDB 5F4E of 2.34 Å over 437 Cα (0.88 Å over 380 Cα after outlier rejection).
Only the residues that match those resolved in the crystal structure are shown; the model is colored by prediction confidence from blue to red, according to a 100-(per-residue confidence (predicted local distance difference test, pLDDT) (Jumper et al., 2021)) scale that ranges from 0 (blue; maximum confidence) to 100 (red; minimum confidence)), respectively.
(C) AlphaFold-Multimer top-ranked template-free prediction of the structure of the mouse JUNOE/IZUMO1E complex (rc = 0.85; RMSD vs. 5F4E = 2.53 Å over 435 Cα (1.73 Å over 389 Cα after outlier rejection)), depicted and colored as in panel B.
(D) Predicted Aligned Error (PAE) plot for the human complex model shown in panel
B. Residue indexes refer to the sequence of JUNO (amino acids G20-S228) followed by that of IZUMO1 (amino acids C22-Q284). The high PAE regions correspond to loop 2 of JUNO (residues V110-G123) and the C-terminal tail of IZUMO1E (residues K255-Q284), both of which have low pLDDT scores and are far away from the interface between the two proteins.
(E) PAE plot of the mouse complex shown in panel C, with residue indexes referring to JUNO (amino acids G20-G222) followed by IZUMO1 (amino acids C22-R319).