Intraflagellar transport in different type of cilia.
(A-E) Left, Snapshot of Intraflagellar transport videos in different cell types as indicated. Middle (A, B), Snapshot of same cilia at different time points. Arrowheads with the same color indicate the same IFT particle. Right, kymographs illustrating the movement of IFT particles along the axoneme. Horizontal scale bar: 10 μm and vertical scale bars: 10 s. Representative particle traces are marked with black lines in panels D and E. Yellow arrows denote the cilia used to generating the kymograph. (F) Histograms displaying the velocity of anterograde and retrograde IFT in different type of cilia as indicated. “Antero.” and “Retro.” represent anterograde and retrograde transport, respectively. Each plot was fit by a Gaussian distribution. The developmental stages of zebrafish were consistent with (A-E) (G) Summary of IFT velocities in different tissues of zebrafish. Numbers of IFT particles are shown in the brackets. n, number of cilia detected. N, number of zerafish larvae analyzed. hpf, hours post-fertilization. dpf, days post-fertilization. (H) Left, Statistics analysis of cilia length in different tissues of Tg(hsp70l:ift88-GFP) larvae (crista, n=72 cilia from 16 larvae; neuromast, n=31 cilia from 9 larvae; pronephric duct, n=72 cilia from 11 larvae; spinal cord, n=86 cilia from 6 larvae; epidermal cell, n=48 cilia from 18 larvae). Right, anterograde and retrograde IFT average velocity in different tissues of zebrafish. (I) Anterograde and retrograde IFT velocities plotted versus cilia length. Linear fit (black line) and coefficient of determination are indicated. (J) Frequency of anterograde and retrograde IFT entering or exiting cilia. (crista, n=47 cilia from 13 larvae; neuromast, n=31 cilia from 13 larvae; pronephric duct, n=43 cilia from 14 larvae; spinal cord, n=27 cilia from 7 larvae; epidermal cell, n=26 cilia from 15 larvae)