Structure of Bengalese finch song (A) Example spectrogram (bird 7) depicting an entire song bout with introductory state ‘I’, repeat phrase ‘B’ and individual syllables. (B) Example transition diagram depicting a branchpoint with variable sequencing. Numbers above the arrows denote transition probabilities in percent. (C) Example spectrogram of a chunk. Chunks are defined as highly stereotyped sequences of syllables which only have a single in- and output branch and are condensed into one state in the transition diagram (see Methods). (D) Example spectrogram of a repeat phrase, summarized by capital letter ‘B’ in the transition diagram. The repeating syllable (here, syllable ‘b’) repeats a variable number of times across different instances of the repeat phrase. (E) Schematic showing recurrent pathways projecting onto motor pathway nuclei through lMAN and mMAN. Red: pallial nuclei, blue: thalamic nuclei, green: basal ganglia. Dotted line indicates suspected connection by Kubikova et al. 2007. Abbrev: mMAN: medial magnocellular nucleus of the anterior nidopallium, DMP: dorsomedial nucleus of the posterior thalamus, BG: basal ganglia, DLM: medial portion of the dorsolateral thalamus, lMAN: lateral magnocellular nucleus of the anterior nidopallium, RA: robust nucleus of the arcopallium. (F) Example of a transition diagram. Nodes denote chunk or syllable labels, numbers denote transition probabilities (in percent, % symbol omitted for clarity), d1/d2, g1/g2 denote different states of syllables d and g respectively based on different sequential contexts, capital letters denote repeat phrases. Edges at each node may not sum to 100% because branches smaller than 5% are omitted for clarity.