Visual routines for detecting causal interactions are tuned to motion direction

  1. Department of Psychology, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Rudower Chaussee 18, 12489 Berlin, Germany
  2. Berlin School of Mind and Brain, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Rudower Chaussee 18, 12489 Berlin, Germany

Peer review process

Not revised: This Reviewed Preprint includes the authors’ original preprint (without revision), an eLife assessment, and public reviews.

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  • Reviewing Editor
    Peter Kok
    University College London, London, United Kingdom
  • Senior Editor
    Tirin Moore
    Stanford University, Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Stanford, United States of America

Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

The authors investigated causal inference in the visual domain through a set of carefully designed experiments, and sound statistical analysis. They suggest the early visual system has a crucial contribution to computations supporting causal inference.

I believe the authors target an important problem (causal inference) with carefully chosen tools and methods. Their analysis rightly implies the specialization of visual routines for causal inference and the crucial contribution of early visual systems to perform this computation. I believe this is a novel contribution and their data and analysis are in the right direction.

In my humble opinion, a few aspects deserve more attention:

1. Causal inference (or causal detection) in the brain should be quite fundamental and quite important for human cognition/perception. Thus, the underlying computation and neural substrate might not be limited to the visual system (I don't mean the authors did claim that). In fact, to the best of my knowledge, multisensory integration is one of the best-studied perceptual phenomena that has been conceptualized as a causal inference problem. Assuming the causal inference in those studies (Shams 2012; Shams and Beierholm 2022; Kording et al. 2007; Aller and Noppeney 2018; Cao et al. 2019) (and many more e.g., by Shams and colleagues), and the current study might share some attributes, one expects some findings in those domains are transferable (at least to some degree) here as well. Most importantly, underlying neural correlates that have been suggested based on animal studies and invasive recording that has been already studied, might be relevant here as well. Perhaps the most relevant one is the recent work from the Harris group on mice (Coen et al. 2021). I should emphasize, that I don't claim they are necessarily relevant, but they can be relevant given their common roots in the problem of causal inference in the brain. This is a critical topic that the authors may want to discuss in their manuscript.

2. If I understood correctly, the authors are arguing pro a mere bottom-up contribution of early sensory areas for causal inference (for instance, when they wrote "the specialization of visual routines
for the perception of causality at the level of individual motion directions raises the possibility that this function is located surprisingly early in the visual system *as opposed to a higher-level visual computation*."). Certainly, as the authors suggested, early sensory areas have a crucial contribution, however, it may not be limited to that. Recent studies progressively suggest perception as an active process that also weighs in strongly, the top-down cognitive contributions. For instance, the most simple cases of perception have been conceptualized along this line (Martin, Solms, and Sterzer 2021)
and even some visual illusion (Safavi and Dayan 2022), and other extensions (Kay et al. 2023). Thus, I believe it would be helpful to extend the discussion on the top-down and cognitive contributions of causal inference (of course that can also be hinted at, based on recent developments). Even adaptation, which is central in this study can be influenced by top-down factors (Keller et al. 2017). I believe, based on other work of Rolfs and colleagues, this is also aligned with their overall perspective on vision.

3. The authors rightly implicate the neural substrate of causal inference in the early sensory system. Given their study is pure psychophysics, a more elaborate discussion based on other studies that used brain measurements is needed (in my opinion) to put into perspective this conclusion. In particular, as I mentioned in the first point, the authors mainly discuss the potential neural substrate of early vision, however much has been done about the role of higher-tier cortical areas in causal inference e.g., see (Cao et al. 2019; Coen et al. 2021).

There were many areas in this manuscript that I liked: clever questions, experimental design, and statistical analysis.


Aller, Mate, and Uta Noppeney. 2018. "To Integrate or Not to Integrate: Temporal Dynamics of Bayesian Causal Inference." Biorxiv, December, 504118. .

Cao, Yinan, Christopher Summerfield, Hame Park, Bruno Lucio Giordano, and Christoph Kayser. 2019. "Causal Inference in the Multisensory Brain." Neuron 102 (5): 1076-87.e8. .

Coen, Philip, Timothy P. H. Sit, Miles J. Wells, Matteo Carandini, and Kenneth D. Harris. 2021. "The Role of Frontal Cortex in Multisensory Decisions." Biorxiv, April. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, 2021.04.26.441250. .

Kay, Kendrick, Kathryn Bonnen, Rachel N. Denison, Mike J. Arcaro, and David L. Barack. 2023. "Tasks and Their Role in Visual Neuroscience." Neuron 111 (11). Elsevier: 1697-1713. .

Keller, Andreas J, Rachael Houlton, Björn M Kampa, Nicholas A Lesica, Thomas D Mrsic-Flogel, Georg B Keller, and Fritjof Helmchen. 2017. "Stimulus Relevance Modulates Contrast Adaptation in Visual Cortex." Elife 6. eLife Sciences Publications, Ltd: e21589.

Kording, K. P., U. Beierholm, W. J. Ma, S. Quartz, J. B. Tenenbaum, and L. Shams. 2007. "Causal Inference in Multisensory Perception." PloS One 2: e943. .

Martin, Joshua M., Mark Solms, and Philipp Sterzer. 2021. "Useful Misrepresentation: Perception as Embodied Proactive Inference." Trends Neurosci. 44 (8): 619-28. .

Safavi, Shervin, and Peter Dayan. 2022. "Multistability, Perceptual Value, and Internal Foraging." Neuron, August. .

Shams, L. 2012. "Early Integration and Bayesian Causal Inference in Multisensory Perception." In The Neural Bases of Multisensory Processes, edited by M. M. Murray and M. T. Wallace. Frontiers in
Neuroscience. Boca Raton (FL).

Shams, Ladan, and Ulrik Beierholm. 2022. "Bayesian Causal Inference: A Unifying Neuroscience Theory." Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews 137 (June): 104619. .

Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

This paper seeks to determine whether the human visual system's sensitivity to causal interactions is tuned to specific parameters of a causal launching event, using visual adaptation methods. The three parameters the authors investigate in this paper are the direction of motion in the event, the speed of the objects in the event, and the surface features or identity of the objects in the event (in particular, having two objects of different colors).

The key method, visual adaptation to causal launching, has now been demonstrated by at least three separate groups and seems to be a robust phenomenon. Adaptation is a strong indicator of a visual process that is tuned to a specific feature of the environment, in this case launching interactions. Whereas other studies have focused on retinotopically-specific adaptation (i.e., whether the adaptation effect is restricted to the same test location on the retina as the adaptation stream was presented to), this one focuses on feature-specificity.

The first experiment replicates the adaptation effect for launching events as well as the lack of adaptation event for a minimally different non-causal 'slip' event. However, it also finds that the adaptation effect does not work for launching events that do not have a direction of motion more than 30 degrees from the direction of the test event. The interpretation is that the system that is being adapted is sensitive to the direction of this event, which is an interesting and somewhat puzzling result given the methods used in previous studies, which have used random directions of motion for both adaptation and test events.

The obvious interpretation would be that past studies have simply adapted to launching in every direction, but that in itself says something about the nature of this direction-specificity: it is not working through opposed detectors. For example, in something like the waterfall illusion adaptation effect, where extended exposure to downward motion leads to illusory upward motion on neutral-motion stimuli, the effect simply doesn't work if motion in two opposed directions is shown (i.e., you don't see illusory motion in both directions, you just see nothing). The fact that adaptation to launching in multiple directions doesn't seem to cancel out the adaptation effect in past work raises interesting questions about how directionality is being coded in the underlying process. In addition, one limitation of the current method is that it's not clear whether the motion-direction-specificity is also itself retinotopically-specific, that is, if one retinotopic location were adapted to launching in one direction and a different retinotopic location adapted to launching in the opposite direction, would each test location show the adaptation effect only for events in the direction presented at that location?

The second experiment tests whether the adaptation effect is similarly sensitive to differences in speed. The short answer is no; adaptation events at one speed affect test events at another. Furthermore, this is not surprising given that Kominsky & Scholl (2020) showed adaptation transfer between events with differences in speeds of the individual objects in the event (whereas all events in this experiment used symmetrical speeds). This experiment is still novel and it establishes that the speed-insensitivity of these adaptation effects is fairly general, but I would certainly have been surprised if it had turned out any other way.

The third experiment tests color (as a marker of object identity), and pits it against motion direction. The results demonstrate that adaptation to red-launching-green generates an adaptation effect for green-launching-red, provided they are moving in roughly the same direction, which provides a nice internal replication of Experiment 1 in addition to showing that the adaptation effect is not sensitive to object identity. This result forms an interesting contrast with the infant causal perception literature. Multiple papers (starting with Leslie & Keeble, 1987) have found that 6-8-month-old infants are sensitive to reversals in causal roles exactly like the ones used in this experiment. The success of adaptation transfer suggests, very clearly, that this sensitivity is not based only on perceptual processing, or at least not on the same processing that we access with this adaptation procedure. It implies that infants may be going beyond the underlying perceptual processes and inferring genuine causal content. This is also not the first time the adaptation paradigm has diverged from infant findings: Kominsky & Scholl (2020) found a divergence with the object speed differences as well, as infants categorize these events based on whether the speed ratio (agent:patient) is physically plausible (Kominsky et al., 2017), while the adaptation effect transfers from physically implausible events to physically plausible ones. This only goes to show that these adaptation effects don't exhaustively capture the mechanisms of early-emerging causal event representation.

One overarching point about the analyses to take into consideration: The authors use a Bayesian psychometric curve-fitting approach to estimate a point of subjective equality (PSE) in different blocks for each individual participant based on a model with strong priors about the shape of the function and its asymptotic endpoints, and this PSE is the primary DV across all of the studies. As discussed in Kominsky & Scholl (2020), this approach has certain limitations, notably that it can generate nonsensical PSEs when confronted with relatively extreme response patterns. The authors mentioned that this happened once in Experiment 3 and that a participant had to be replaced. An alternate approach is simply to measure the proportion of 'pass' reports overall to determine if there is an adaptation effect. I don't think this alternate analysis strategy would greatly change the results of this particular experiment, but it is robust against this kind of self-selection for effects that fit in the bounds specified by the model, and may therefore be worth including in a supplemental section or as part of the repository to better capture the individual variability in this effect.

In general, this paper adds further evidence for something like a 'launching' detector in the visual system, but beyond that, it specifies some interesting questions for future work about how exactly such a detector might function.

Kominsky, J. F., & Scholl, B. J. (2020). Retinotopic adaptation reveals distinct categories of causal perception. Cognition, 203, 104339.

Kominsky, J. F., Strickland, B., Wertz, A. E., Elsner, C., Wynn, K., & Keil, F. C. (2017). Categories and Constraints in Causal Perception. Psychological Science, 28(11), 1649-1662.

Leslie, A. M., & Keeble, S. (1987). Do six-month-old infants perceive causality? Cognition, 25(3), 265-288.

Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

This paper presents evidence from three behavioral experiments that causal impressions of "launching events", in which one object is perceived to cause another object to move, depending on motion direction-selective processing. Specifically, the work uses an adaptation paradigm (Rolfs et al., 2013), presenting repetitive patterns of events matching certain features to a single retinal location, then measuring subsequent perceptual reports of a test display in which the degree of overlap between two discs was varied, and participants could respond "launch" or "pass". The three experiments report results of adapting to motion direction, motion speed, and "object identity", and examine how the psychometric curves for causal reports shift in these conditions depending on the similarity of the adapter and test. While causality reports in the test display were selective for motion direction (Experiment 1), they were not selective for adapter-test speed differences (Experiment 2) nor for changes in object identity induced via color swap (Experiment 3). These results support the notion that causal perception is computed (in part) at relatively early stages of sensory processing, possibly even independently of or prior to computations of object identity.

The setup of the research question and hypotheses is exceptional. The experiments are carefully performed (appropriate equipment, and careful control of eye movements). The slip adaptor is a really nice control condition and effectively mitigates the need to control motion direction with a drifting grating or similar. Participants were measured with sufficient precision, and a power curve analysis was conducted to determine the sample size. Data analysis and statistical quantification are appropriate. Data and analysis code are shared on publication, in keeping with open science principles. The paper is concise and well-written.

The biggest uncertainty I have in interpreting the results is the relationship between the task and the assumption that the results tell us about causality impressions. The experimental logic assumes that "pass" reports are always non-causal impressions and "launch" reports are always causal impressions. This logic is inherited from Rolfs et al (2013) and Kominsky & Scholl (2020), who assert rather than measure this. However, other evidence suggests that this assumption might not be solid (Bechlivanidis et al., 2019). Specifically, "[our experiments] reveal strong causal impressions upon first encounter with collision-like sequences that the literature typically labels "non-causal"" (Bechlivanidis et al., 2019) -- including a condition that is similar to the current "pass". It is therefore possible that participants' "pass" reports could also involve causal experiences.

Furthermore, since the only report options are "launch" or "pass", it is also possible that "launch" reports are not indications of "I experienced a causal event" but rather "I did not experience a pass event". It seems possible to me that different adaptation transfer effects (e.g. selectivity to motion direction, speed, or color-swapping) change the way that participants interpret the task, or the uncertainty of their impression. For example, it could be that adaptation increases the likelihood of experiencing a "pass" event in a direction-selective manner, without changing causal impressions. Increases of "pass" impressions (or at least, uncertainty around what was experienced) would produce a leftward shift in the PSE as reported in Experiment 1, but this does not necessarily mean that experiences of causal events changed. Thus, changes in the PSEs between the conditions in the different experiments may not directly reflect changes in causal impressions. I would like the authors to clarify the extent to which these concerns call their conclusions into question.

Leaving these concerns aside, I am also left wondering about the functional significance of these specialised mechanisms. Why would direction matter but speed and object identity not? Surely object identity, in particular, should be relevant to real-world interpretations and inputs of these visual routines? Is color simply too weak an identity?


Bechlivanidis, C., Schlottmann, A., & Lagnado, D. A. (2019). Causation without realism. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 148(5), 785-804.

Kominsky, J. F., & Scholl, B. J. (2020). Retinotopic adaptation reveals distinct categories of causal perception. Cognition, 203, 104339.

Rolfs, M., Dambacher, M., & Cavanagh, P. (2013). Visual Adaptation of the Perception of Causality. Current Biology, 23(3), 250-254.

  1. Howard Hughes Medical Institute
  2. Wellcome Trust
  3. Max-Planck-Gesellschaft
  4. Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation