eRF1 substitutions and potential signals of eRF1-tRNA competition in Blepharisma.
(a) eRF1 coordinates are given according to that of Saccharomyces cerevisiae, and the alignment window is the same as that in Kachale et al. 2023. The complete eRF1 alignment along with the sources of the sequences is provided in Source Data Fig. 2. For the genetic codes of each species, stars indicate stop codons, and question marks indicate possible stop codons. Check marks and crosses respectively indicate agreements and disagreements with respect to the proposed UGA assignment/eRF1 substitution at position 67. The eRF1 phylogeny to the left was generated by RAxML. The second Geleia acuta eRF1 paralog is encoded by an incomplete transcript. (b) Codon frequency upstream of predicted B. stoltei stop codons for the permutations of “T”, “G” and “A” bases. For the complete codon frequency matrix, see Extended Data Fig. 2a.