Volumetric imaging of a mouse brain section.
(A) Schematic of a mouse brain showing the placement of the brain sample in the inverted configuration. (B) Schematic of a single z-layer in the coronal plane with size of the effective area covering the entire brain section. (C) Fluorescence images of three orthogonal cross sections of the dotted square indicated in (B); here, the yellow, cyan, and magenta lines represent the z-, x-, and y-positions of the cross sections, respectively. (D) Cross-sectional images of raw data in the same region as (C), where the computational sectioning is not applied. (E),(F) Magnified images of the hippocampal region (dashed square in (B)) in the (E) xy-plane and (F) xz-plane. For comparison, images obtained with 2× (left) and 4× (right) magnification systems are shown together. Note that the 3D regions observed at different magnifications do not perfectly match owing to the difficulty in optical alignment; scale bars, 200 µm and 40 µm. (G) Three z-layers (difference, 20 µm) of the coronal plane of the local region of the choroid plexus. (H) Stereogram pair of isosurface representation of nuclei in a (200 µm)3 cubic volume.