Dimensionality reduction analysis of brains from animals treated with a single drug exposure.
(A) PCA plot showing PC1 and PC2 of brains from DAT-Cre and GAD2-Cre mice. DAT-Cre mice were anesthetized with K/X and treated with saline or anesthetized with isoflurane and treated with saline or one of the drugs cocaine, methamphetamine, amphetamine, nicotine, morphine, or fluoxetine. GAD2-Cre mice were anesthetized with isoflurane and treated with saline or cocaine.
(B) Box plot of PC1, One-way ANOVA p < 0.0001, pairwise t-tests DAT-Cre saline vs. DAT-Cre fluoxetine multiple comparisons adjusted p = 0.99, DAT-Cre saline vs. DAT-Cre K/X p = 1.0, DAT-Cre saline vs. DAT-Cre drugs p = 0.23, DAT-Cre saline vs. GAD2-Cre p < 0.0001, DAT-Cre fluoxetine vs. DAT-Cre K/X p = 1.0, DAT-Cre fluoxetine vs. DAT-Cre drugs p = 0.46, DAT-Cre fluoxetine vs. GAD2-Cre p < 0.0001, DAT-Cre K/X vs. DAT-Cre drugs p = 0.31, DAT-Cre K/X vs. GAD2-Cre p < 0.0001, DAT-Cre drugs vs. GAD2-Cre p < 0.0001. n = 4 for DAT-Cre saline and DAT-Cre K/X, n = 5 for DAT-Cre fluoxetine, n = 24 for DAT-Cre drugs, n = 17 for GAD2-Cre.
(C) PCA plot showing PC1 and PC2 of brains from DAT-Cre mice anesthetized with isoflurane and treated with cocaine, methamphetamine, amphetamine, nicotine, morphine, fluoxetine, or saline, or anesthetized with K/X and treated with saline.
(D) PC2 and PC3 of the same group of brains as shown in panel B.
(E) Box plot of PC1, One-way ANOVA p = 0.81.
(F) Box plot of PC2, One-way ANOVA p = 0.0093, pairwise t-tests DAT-Cre saline vs. DAT-Cre fluoxetine multiple comparisons adjusted p = 0.94, DAT-Cre saline vs. DAT-Cre K/X p = 0.87, DAT-Cre saline vs. DAT-Cre drugs p = 0.034, DAT-Cre fluoxetine vs. DAT-Cre K/X p = 0.99, DAT-Cre fluoxetine vs. DAT-Cre drugs p = 0.10, DAT-Cre K/X vs. DAT-Cre drugs p = 0.27.
(G) Box plot of PC3, One-way ANOVA p = 0.086.
(H) Heatmap of the contributions of each brain region to PC1 through PC3 for data shown in panel A.
(I) Heatmap of the contributions of each brain region to PC1 through PC3 for data shown in panels B and C.
(J) Bar plot showing percent of RABV-labeled cells in each input region for the DAT-Cre mice shown in panel B.
(K) Representative images of brain slices from DAT-Cre mice showing, from top to bottom, the NAc, BNST, GPe, and PBN. Scale, 500 μm.
(L) Projection portrait of the VTA based on inputs from regions with a large negative contribution to PC1, based on data from panel E: NAcCore, NAcLat, DStr, GPe.
(M) Projection portrait based on inputs from regions with a high positive contribution to PC1, based on data from panel E: LHb, DR, VP, PO, EAM, LH.
(N) Projection portrait based on inputs from regions with a high positive contribution to PC2, based on data from panel E: EAM, PBN, DR, EP, LH, GPe, ZI.
(O) Projection portrait based on inputs from regions with a large negative contribution to PC2, based on data from panel E: NAcMed, NAcCore, DStr, Septum, MHb.
(P) UMAP embedding of data from the brains of DAT-Cre mice shown in panels B and F.
(Q) Correlogram showing average Euclidean distance of data points over 20 UMAP embeddings of the data presented in panel J. Experiment conditions from bottom to top and left to right are labelled 1-10 and are ordered as follows: GAD2-Cre cocaine, GAD2-Cre saline, saline, fluoxetine, cocaine, nicotine, amphetamine, meth, K/X, and morphine.