Demographic characteristics of the SCOURGE Latin American cohort.

Flow chart of this study.

Lead independent variants in the admixed AMR GWAS meta-analysis.

Novel variants in the SC-HGIALL and SC-HGI3POP meta-analyses (with respect to HGIv7).

Independent signals after LD clumping.

A) Manhattan plot for the admixed AMR GWAS meta-analysis. Probability thresholds at p=5×10−8 and p=5×10−5 are indicated by the horizontal lines. Genome-wide significant associations with COVID-19 hospitalizations were found on chromosome 2 (within BAZ2B), chromosome 3 (within LZTFL1), chromosome 6 (within FOXP4), and chromosome 11 (within DDIAS). A Quantile–Quantile plot is shown in supplementary Figure 2. B) Regional association plots for rs1003835 at chromosome 2 and rs77599934 at chromosome 11; C) Allele frequency distribution across the 1000 Genomes Project populations for the lead variants rs1003835 and rs77599934. Retrieved from The Geography of Genetic Variants Web or GGV.

Forest plot showing effect sizes and the corresponding confidence intervals for the sentinel variants identified in the AMR meta-analysis across populations.

All beta values with their corresponding CIs were retrieved from the B2 population-specific meta-analysis from the HGI v7 release, except for AMR, for which the beta value and IC from the HGIAMR-SCOURGE meta-analysis are represented.

(A) Polygenic risk stratified by PGS deciles comparing each risk group against the lowest risk group (OR-95% CI); (B) Distribution of the PGS scores in each of the severity scale classes.

0-Asymptomatic, 1-Mild disease, 2-Moderate disease, 3-Severe disease, 4-Critical disease.

Summary of the results from gene prioritization strategies used for genetic associations in AMR populations.

GWAS catalog association for BAZ2B-AS was with FEV/FCV ratio. Literature based evidence is further explored in discussion.