Sagittal sections through the cerebellar primordia of Atoh1+/+ and Atoh1-/- embryos at E12.5; double immunofluorescence labeling with SNCA + OTX2 and SNCA + MEIS2 antibodies
A–C: SNCA (green, A) and OTX2 (red, B) immunopositive cells are present in the mesencephalon and NTZ of Atoh1 KO mouse (merged channels, C).
D-F: In E12.5 Atoh1+/+ sagittal sections, SNCA+ (green, D) cells are observed in the mesencephalon and NTZ. MEIS2+ (red, E) cells are present in the mesencephalon and NTZ in addition to another population of MEIS2+ cells in the dorsal region of the NTZ which extends to the rhombic lip. Merged image (F) confirms the presence of two distinct sets of MEIS2+ cells in the NTZ: rhombic lip-derived CN neurons located in the caudodorsal (cd) region, which do not express SNCA (MEIS2+/SNCA-), and a subset of MEIS2+/SNCA+ CN neurons situated in the rostroventral (rv) region of the NTZ.
G-I: Higher magnification of D-F.
J-L: In E12.5 Atoh1-/- sagittal sections, the expression of SNCA (green, J) shows no change as compared to Atoh1+/+, whereas Meis2 abundance (red, K) exhibited a different pattern. Thus, MEIS2+/SNCA+ cells were still present in the rostroventral region of the NTZ. However, the subpopulation of MEIS2+/SNCA- rhombic lip-derived CN neurons were absent in the caudodorsal region of the NTZ.
M-O: Higher magnification of J-I.
Abbreviations: 4thV, 4th ventricle; cb, cerebellum; cd, caudodorsal; c, caudal; d, dorsal; i, isthmus; m, mesencephalon; rl, rhombic lip; NTZ, nuclear transitory zone; r, rostral; rv, rostroventral; v, ventral Scale bar = 100 µm