The asymmetric transfers of visual perceptual learning determined by the stability of geometrical invariants

  1. State Key Laboratory of Brain and Cognitive Science, Institute of Biophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100101, China
  2. University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China
  3. Hefei Comprehensive National Science Center, Institute of Artificial Intelligence, Hefei 230088, China

Peer review process

Not revised: This Reviewed Preprint includes the authors’ original preprint (without revision), an eLife assessment, public reviews, and a provisional response from the authors.

Read more about eLife’s peer review process.


  • Reviewing Editor
    Arun SP
    Indian Institute of Science Bangalore, Bangalore, India
  • Senior Editor
    Yanchao Bi
    Beijing Normal University, Beijing, China

Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

Visual Perceptual Learning (VPL) results in varying degrees of generalization to tasks or stimuli not seen during training. The question of which stimulus or task features predict whether learning will transfer to a different perceptual task has long been central in the field of perceptual learning, with numerous theories proposed to address it. This paper introduces a novel framework for understanding generalization in VPL, focusing on the form invariants of the training stimulus. Contrary to a previously proposed theory that task difficulty predicts the extent of generalization - suggesting that more challenging tasks yield less transfer to other tasks or stimuli - this paper offers an alternative perspective. It introduces the concept of task invariants and investigates how the structural stability of these invariants affects VPL and its generalization. The study finds that tasks with high-stability invariants are learned more quickly. However, training with low-stability invariants leads to greater generalization to tasks with higher stability, but not the reverse. This indicates that, at least based on the experiments in this paper, an easier training task results in less generalization, challenging previous theories that focus on task difficulty (or precision). Instead, this paper posits that the structural stability of stimulus or task invariants is the key factor in explaining VPL generalization across different tasks

- The paper effectively demonstrates that the difficulty of a perceptual task does not necessarily correlate with its learning generalization to other tasks, challenging previous theories in the field of Visual Perceptual Learning. Instead, it proposes a significant and novel approach, suggesting that the form invariants of training stimuli are more reliable predictors of learning generalization. The results consistently bolster this theory, underlining the role of invariant stability in forecasting the extent of VPL generalization across different tasks.

- The experiments conducted in the study are thoughtfully designed and provide robust support for the central claim about the significance of form invariants in VPL generalization.

- The paper assumes a considerable familiarity with the Erlangen program and the definitions of invariants and their structural stability, potentially alienating readers who are not versed in these concepts. This assumption may hinder the understanding of the paper's theoretical rationale and the selection of stimuli for the experiments, particularly for those unfamiliar with the Erlangen program's application in psychophysics. A brief introduction to these key concepts would greatly enhance the paper's accessibility. The justification for the chosen stimuli and the design of the three experiments could be more thoroughly articulated.

- The paper does not clearly articulate how its proposed theory can be integrated with existing observations in the field of VPL. While it acknowledges previous theories on VPL generalization, the paper falls short in explaining how its framework might apply to classical tasks and stimuli that have been widely used in the VPL literature, such as orientation or motion discrimination with Gabors, vernier acuity, etc. It also does not provide insight into the application of this framework to more naturalistic tasks or stimuli. If the stability of invariants is a key factor in predicting a task's generalization potential, the paper should elucidate how to define the stability of new stimuli or tasks. This issue ties back to the earlier mentioned weakness: namely, the absence of a clear explanation of the Erlangen program and its relevant concepts.

- The paper does not convincingly establish the necessity of its introduced concept of invariant stability for interpreting the presented data. For instance, consider an alternative explanation: performing in the collinearity task requires orientation invariance. Therefore, it's straightforward that learning the collinearity task doesn't aid in performing the other two tasks (parallelism and orientation), which do require orientation estimation. Interestingly, orientation invariance is more characteristic of higher visual areas, which, consistent with the Reverse Hierarchy Theory, are engaged more rapidly in learning compared to lower visual areas. This simpler explanation, grounded in established concepts of VPL and the tuning properties of neurons across the visual cortex, can account for the observed effects, at least in one scenario. This approach has previously been used/proposed to explain VPL generalization, as seen in (Chowdhury and DeAngelis, Neuron, 2008), (Liu and Pack, Neuron, 2017), and (Bakhtiari et al., JoV, 2020). The question then is: how does the concept of invariant stability provide additional insights beyond this simpler explanation?

- While the paper discusses the transfer of learning between tasks with varying levels of invariant stability, the mechanism of this transfer within each invariant condition remains unclear. A more detailed analysis would involve keeping the invariant's stability constant while altering a feature of the stimulus in the test condition. For example, in the VPL literature, one of the primary methods for testing generalization is examining transfer to a new stimulus location. The paper does not address the expected outcomes of location transfer in relation to the stability of the invariant. Moreover, in the affine and Euclidean conditions one could maintain consistent orientations for the distractors and targets during training, then switch them in the testing phase to assess transfer within the same level of invariant structural stability.

- In the section detailing the modeling experiment using deep neural networks (DNN), the takeaway was unclear. While it was interesting to observe that the DNN exhibited a generalization pattern across conditions similar to that seen in the human experiments, the claim made in the abstract and introduction that the model provides a 'mechanistic' explanation for the phenomenon seems overstated. The pattern of weight changes across layers, as depicted in Figure 7, does not conclusively explain the observed variability in generalizations. Furthermore, the substantial weight change observed in the first two layers during the orientation discrimination task is somewhat counterintuitive. Given that neurons in early layers typically have smaller receptive fields and narrower tunings, one would expect this to result in less transfer, not more.

Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

The strengths of this paper are clear: The authors are asking a novel question about geometric representation that would be relevant to a broad audience. Their question has a clear grounding in pre-existing mathematical concepts, that, to my knowledge, have been only minimally explored in cognitive science. Moreover, the data themselves are quite striking, such that my only concern would be that the data seem almost *too* clean. It is hard to know what to make of that, however. From one perspective, this is even more reason the results should be publicly available. Yet I am of the (perhaps unorthodox) opinion that reviewers should voice these gut reactions, even if it does not influence the evaluation otherwise. Below I offer some more concrete comments:

(1) The justification for the designs is not well explained. The authors simply tell the audience in a single sentence that they test projective, affine, and Euclidean geometry. But despite my familiarity with these terms -- familiarity that many readers may not have -- I still had to pause for a very long time to make sense of how these considerations led to the stimuli that were created. I think the authors must, for a point that is so central to the paper, thoroughly explain exactly why the stimuli were designed the way that they were and how these designs map onto the theoretical constructs being tested.

(2) I wondered if the design in Experiment 1 was flawed in one small but critical way. The goal of the parallelism stimuli, I gathered, was to have a set of items that is not parallel to the other set of items. But in doing that, isn't the manipulation effectively the same as the manipulation in the orientation stimuli? Both functionally involve just rotating one set by a fixed amount. (Note: This does not seem to be a problem in Experiment 2, in which the conditions are more clearly delineated.)

(3) I wondered if the results would hold up for stimuli that were more diverse. It seems that a determined experimenter could easily design an "adversarial" version of these experiments for which the results would be unlikely to replicate. For instance: In the orientation group in Experiment 1, what if the odd-one-out was rotated 90 degrees instead of 180 degrees? Intuitively, it seems like this trial type would now be much easier, and the pattern observed here would not hold up. If it did hold up, that would provide stronger support for the authors' theory.

It is not enough, in my opinion, to simply have some confirmatory evidence of this theory. One would have to have thoroughly tested many possible ways that theory could fail. I'm unsure that enough has been done here to convince me that these ideas would hold up across a more diverse set of stimuli.

Author Response

Reviewer #1 (Public Review):


Visual Perceptual Learning (VPL) results in varying degrees of generalization to tasks or stimuli not seen during training. The question of which stimulus or task features predict whether learning will transfer to a different perceptual task has long been central in the field of perceptual learning, with numerous theories proposed to address it. This paper introduces a novel framework for understanding generalization in VPL, focusing on the form invariants of the training stimulus. Contrary to a previously proposed theory that task difficulty predicts the extent of generalization - suggesting that more challenging tasks yield less transfer to other tasks or stimuli - this paper offers an alternative perspective. It introduces the concept of task invariants and investigates how the structural stability of these invariants affects VPL and its generalization. The study finds that tasks with high-stability invariants are learned more quickly. However, training with low-stability invariants leads to greater generalization to tasks with higher stability, but not the reverse. This indicates that, at least based on the experiments in this paper, an easier training task results in less generalization, challenging previous theories that focus on task difficulty (or precision). Instead, this paper posits that the structural stability of stimulus or task invariants is the key factor in explaining VPL generalization across different tasks


  • The paper effectively demonstrates that the difficulty of a perceptual task does not necessarily correlate with its learning generalization to other tasks, challenging previous theories in the field of Visual Perceptual Learning. Instead, it proposes a significant and novel approach, suggesting that the form invariants of training stimuli are more reliable predictors of learning generalization. The results consistently bolster this theory, underlining the role of invariant stability in forecasting the extent of VPL generalization across different tasks.
  • The experiments conducted in the study are thoughtfully designed and provide robust support for the central claim about the significance of form invariants in VPL generalization.


  • The paper assumes a considerable familiarity with the Erlangen program and the definitions of invariants and their structural stability, potentially alienating readers who are not versed in these concepts. This assumption may hinder the understanding of the paper's theoretical rationale and the selection of stimuli for the experiments, particularly for those unfamiliar with the Erlangen program's application in psychophysics. A brief introduction to these key concepts would greatly enhance the paper's accessibility. The justification for the chosen stimuli and the design of the three experiments could be more thoroughly articulated.

Response: We appreciate the reviewer's feedback regarding the accessibility of our paper. In response to this feedback, we plan to enhance the introduction section of our paper to provide a concise yet comprehensive overview of the key concepts of Erlangen program. Additionally, we will provide a more thorough justification for the selection of stimuli and the experimental design in our revised version, ensuring that readers understand the rationale behind our choices.

  • The paper does not clearly articulate how its proposed theory can be integrated with existing observations in the field of VPL. While it acknowledges previous theories on VPL generalization, the paper falls short in explaining how its framework might apply to classical tasks and stimuli that have been widely used in the VPL literature, such as orientation or motion discrimination with Gabors, vernier acuity, etc. It also does not provide insight into the application of this framework to more naturalistic tasks or stimuli. If the stability of invariants is a key factor in predicting a task's generalization potential, the paper should elucidate how to define the stability of new stimuli or tasks. This issue ties back to the earlier mentioned weakness: namely, the absence of a clear explanation of the Erlangen program and its relevant concepts.

Response: Thanks for highlighting the need for better integration of our proposed theory with existing observations in the field of VPL. Unfortunately, the theoretical framework proposed in our study is based on the Klein’s Erlangen program and is only applicable to geometric shape stimuli. For VPL studies using stimuli and paradigms that are completely unrelated to geometric transformations (such as motion discrimination with Gabors or random dots, vernier acuity, spatial frequency discrimination, contrast detection or discrimination, etc.), our proposed theory does not apply. Some stimuli employed by VPL studies can be classified into certain geometric invariants. For instance, orientation discrimination with Gabors (Dosher & Lu, 2005) and texture discrimination task (F. Wang et al., 2016) both belong to tasks involving Euclidean invariants, and circle versus square discrimination (Kraft et al., 2010) belongs to tasks involving affine invariance. However, these studies do not simultaneously involve multiple geometric invariants of varying levels stability, and thus cannot be directly compared with our research. It is worth noting that while the Klein’s hierarchy of geometries, which our study focuses on, is rarely mentioned in the field of VPL, it does have connections with concepts such as 'global/local', 'coarse/fine', 'easy/difficulty', 'complex/simple': more stable invariants are closer to 'global', 'coarse', 'easy', 'complex', while less stable invariants are closer to 'local', 'fine', 'difficulty', 'simple'. Importantly, several VPL studies have found ‘fine-to-coarse’ or ‘local-to-global’ asymmetric transfer (Chang et al., 2014; N. Chen et al., 2016; Dosher & Lu, 2005), which seems consistent with the results of our study.

In the introduction section of our revised version and subsequent full author response, we will provide a clear explanation of the Erlangen program and elucidate how to define the stability of new stimuli or tasks. In the discussion section of our revised version, we will compare our results to other studies concerned with the generalization of perceptual learning and speculate on how our proposed theory fit with existing observations in the field of VPL.

  • The paper does not convincingly establish the necessity of its introduced concept of invariant stability for interpreting the presented data. For instance, consider an alternative explanation: performing in the collinearity task requires orientation invariance. Therefore, it's straightforward that learning the collinearity task doesn't aid in performing the other two tasks (parallelism and orientation), which do require orientation estimation. Interestingly, orientation invariance is more characteristic of higher visual areas, which, consistent with the Reverse Hierarchy Theory, are engaged more rapidly in learning compared to lower visual areas. This simpler explanation, grounded in established concepts of VPL and the tuning properties of neurons across the visual cortex, can account for the observed effects, at least in one scenario. This approach has previously been used/proposed to explain VPL generalization, as seen in (Chowdhury and DeAngelis, Neuron, 2008), (Liu and Pack, Neuron, 2017), and (Bakhtiari et al., JoV, 2020). The question then is: how does the concept of invariant stability provide additional insights beyond this simpler explanation?

Response: We appreciate the alternative explanation proposed by the reviewer and agree that it presents a valid perspective grounded in established concepts of VPL and neural tuning properties. However, performing in the collinearity and parallelism tasks both require orientation invariance. While utilizing the orientation invariance, as proposed by the reviewer, can explain the lack of transfer from collinearity or parallelism to orientation task, it cannot explain why collinearity does not transfer to parallelism.

As stated in the response to the previous review, in the revised discussion section, we will compare our study with other studies (including the three papers mentioned by the reviewer), aiming to clarify the necessity of the concept of invariant stability for interpreting the observed data and understanding the mechanisms underlying VPL generalization.

  • While the paper discusses the transfer of learning between tasks with varying levels of invariant stability, the mechanism of this transfer within each invariant condition remains unclear. A more detailed analysis would involve keeping the invariant's stability constant while altering a feature of the stimulus in the test condition. For example, in the VPL literature, one of the primary methods for testing generalization is examining transfer to a new stimulus location. The paper does not address the expected outcomes of location transfer in relation to the stability of the invariant. Moreover, in the affine and Euclidean conditions one could maintain consistent orientations for the distractors and targets during training, then switch them in the testing phase to assess transfer within the same level of invariant structural stability.

Response: Thanks for raising the issue regarding the mechanism of transfer within each invariant conditions. We plan to design an additional experiment that is similar in paradigm to Experiment 2, aiming to examine how VPL generalizes to a new test location within a single invariant stability level.

  • In the section detailing the modeling experiment using deep neural networks (DNN), the takeaway was unclear. While it was interesting to observe that the DNN exhibited a generalization pattern across conditions similar to that seen in the human experiments, the claim made in the abstract and introduction that the model provides a 'mechanistic' explanation for the phenomenon seems overstated. The pattern of weight changes across layers, as depicted in Figure 7, does not conclusively explain the observed variability in generalizations. Furthermore, the substantial weight change observed in the first two layers during the orientation discrimination task is somewhat counterintuitive. Given that neurons in early layers typically have smaller receptive fields and narrower tunings, one would expect this to result in less transfer, not more.

Response: We appreciate the reviewer's feedback regarding the clarity of our DNN modeling experiment. We acknowledge that while DNNs have been demonstrated to serve as models for visual systems as well as VPL, the claim that the model provides a ‘mechanistic’ explanation for the phenomenon still overstated. In our revised version,

We will attempt a more detailed analysis of the DNN model while providing a more explicit explanation of the findings from the DNN modeling experiment, emphasizing its implications for understanding the observed variability in generalizations.

Additionally, the substantial weight change observed in the first two layers during the orientation discrimination task is not contradictory to the theoretical framework we proposed, instead, it aligns with our speculation regarding the neural mechanisms of VPL for geometric invariants. Specifically, it suggests that invariants with lower stability rely more on the plasticity of lower-level brain areas, thus exhibiting poorer generalization performance to new locations or stimulus features within each invariant conditions. However, it does not imply that their learning effects cannot transfer to invariants with higher stability.

Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

The strengths of this paper are clear: The authors are asking a novel question about geometric representation that would be relevant to a broad audience. Their question has a clear grounding in pre-existing mathematical concepts, that, to my knowledge, have been only minimally explored in cognitive science. Moreover, the data themselves are quite striking, such that my only concern would be that the data seem almost too clean. It is hard to know what to make of that, however. From one perspective, this is even more reason the results should be publicly available. Yet I am of the (perhaps unorthodox) opinion that reviewers should voice these gut reactions, even if it does not influence the evaluation otherwise. Below I offer some more concrete comments:

(1) The justification for the designs is not well explained. The authors simply tell the audience in a single sentence that they test projective, affine, and Euclidean geometry. But despite my familiarity with these terms -- familiarity that many readers may not have -- I still had to pause for a very long time to make sense of how these considerations led to the stimuli that were created. I think the authors must, for a point that is so central to the paper, thoroughly explain exactly why the stimuli were designed the way that they were and how these designs map onto the theoretical constructs being tested.

(2) I wondered if the design in Experiment 1 was flawed in one small but critical way. The goal of the parallelism stimuli, I gathered, was to have a set of items that is not parallel to the other set of items. But in doing that, isn't the manipulation effectively the same as the manipulation in the orientation stimuli? Both functionally involve just rotating one set by a fixed amount. (Note: This does not seem to be a problem in Experiment 2, in which the conditions are more clearly delineated.)

(3) I wondered if the results would hold up for stimuli that were more diverse. It seems that a determined experimenter could easily design an "adversarial" version of these experiments for which the results would be unlikely to replicate. For instance: In the orientation group in Experiment 1, what if the odd-one-out was rotated 90 degrees instead of 180 degrees? Intuitively, it seems like this trial type would now be much easier, and the pattern observed here would not hold up. If it did hold up, that would provide stronger support for the authors' theory.

It is not enough, in my opinion, to simply have some confirmatory evidence of this theory. One would have to have thoroughly tested many possible ways that theory could fail. I'm unsure that enough has been done here to convince me that these ideas would hold up across a more diverse set of stimuli.

Response: (1) We appreciate the reviewer’s feedback regarding the justification for our experimental designs. We recognize the importance of thoroughly explaining how our stimuli were designed and how these designs correspond to the theoretical constructs being tested. In our revised version, we will enhance the introduction of Erlangen program and provide a more detailed explanation of the rationale behind our stimulus designs, aiming to enhance the clarity and transparency of our experimental approach for readers who may not be familiar with these concepts.

(2) We appreciate the reviewer’s insight into the design of Experiment 1 and the concern regarding the potential similarity between the parallelism and orientation stimuli manipulations.

The parallelism and orientation stimuli in Experiment 1 were first used by Olson & Attneave (1970) to support line-based models of shape coding and then adapted to measure the relative salience of different geometric properties (Chen, 1986). In the parallelism stimuli, the odd quadrant differs from the rest in line slope, while in the orientation stimuli, in contrast, the odd quadrant contains exactly the same line segments as the rest but differs in direction pointed by the angles. The result, that the odd quadrant was detected much faster in the parallelism stimuli than in the orientation stimuli, can serve as evidence for line-based models of shape coding. However, according to Chen (1986, 2005), the idea of invariants over transformations suggests a new analysis of the data: in the parallelism stimuli, the fact that line segments share the same slope essentially implies that they are parallel, and the discrimination may be actually based on parallelism. Thus, the faster discrimination of the parallelism stimuli than that of the orientation stimuli may be explained in terms of relative superiority of parallelism over orientation of angles—a Euclidean property.

The group of stimuli in Experiment 1 has been employed by several studies to investigate scientific questions related to the Klein’s hierarchy of geometries (L. Chen, 2005; Meng et al., 2019; B. Wang et al., n.d.). Due to historical inheritance, we adopted this set of stimuli and corresponding paradigm, despite their imperfect design.

(3) Thanks for raising the important issue of stimulus diversity and the potential for "adversarial" versions of the experiments to challenge our findings. We acknowledge the validity of your concern and recognize the need to demonstrate the robustness of our results across a range of stimuli. We plan to design additional experiments to investigate the potential implications of varying stimulus characteristics, such as different rotation angles proposed by the reviewer, on the observed patterns of performance.

  1. Howard Hughes Medical Institute
  2. Wellcome Trust
  3. Max-Planck-Gesellschaft
  4. Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation