Cryo-EM analyses provide insight into ATP-dependent and ATP-independent cleavage mechanisms.
A. 6.1 Å reconstruction of DCR-1•DRH-1•RDE-4. DCR-1 and RDE-4 densities were fitted with human Dicer in complex with TRBP (PBD 5ZAK)40, DRH-1 density was fitted with an AlphaFold2 model of DRH-144,45, and a 52-BLT A-form dsRNA was built in Chimera69. Color of protein names correlates with model colors. See also Figure S7.B. 7.6 Å reconstruction of DCR-1•DRH-1•RDE-4. DCR-1 and RDE-4 densities were fit with PBD 5ZAL40, DRH-1 density was fit with the AlphaFold2 prediction of DRH-144,45, and a 42-BLT A-form dsRNA was built in Chimera69. See also Figure S8.
C. 3D reconstruction at 2.9 Å fitted with a refined model of the helicase and CTD domains of DRH-1 and dsRNA. See also Figure S9 and Table S2.
D. The interactions between DRH-1 and dsRNA, determined with a 3.7 Å cutoff for contacts.
Bold residues indicate residues that are identical with RIG-I, MDA5, or both. See also Figure S10.
E. ADP, Mg++, and surrounding helicase motifs. Colors: motif Q (pink), motif I (purple), motif Ia (gray), motif II (green), motif III (coral), motif Va (cyan), and motif VI (yellow). The density of ADP is shown in mesh.
F. Conserved loop in the Hel2 domain is inserted into the dsRNA major groove. DRH-1 = blue, residues 733 – 756; RIG-I (7TO2) = green, residues 659 – 679; MDA5 (4GL2) = salmon, residues 752 – 773. Note that this figure includes residues on each side of the loop. See also Figure S10.
G. Lysines 987, 988, and 990 interact with the dsRNA backbone. See also Figure S10.