Additional simulations support the consistency and robustness of the model to variations in spatial input forms.
Each row corresponds to a different parameter grid simulation, with statistics calculated as in the corresponding panel from Figure 4. (a) Preplay statistics are similar to the main simulation results when a third linearly varying spatial cue is included in the inputs to the network (CDF KS-test, p=3.9e-13, KS-statistic=0.26). (b) Preplay statistics are similar to the main simulation results when a stepped input is used (CDF KS-test, p=2.5e-08, KS-statistic=0.20). The stepped input is less spatially informative since stretches of adjacent locations on the track have identical spatial input. (c) Same as (b), but with three step increments (CDF KS-test, p=6.2e-13, KS-statistic=0.26). (d) Same as (c), but with a single step increment (CDF KS-test, p=4.9e-13, KS-statistic=0.26). With this input the fiducial parameter set still shows significant preplay (right two columns), but most of the parameter grid loses significant preplay. (e) When the bias in cluster spatial input location is removed preplay is no longer significant (CDF KS-test, p=0.34, KS-statistic=0.063). (f) A parameter grid that shows greater values of cluster participation do not have significant preplay. Values along the diagonal where clusters equals cluster participation are equivalent to a random cluster-less network. Example parameter point is at clusters=5 and cluster participation=5 (CDF KS-test, p=0.99, KS-statistic=0.02).