Behavioral procedure and apparatus. (A)
Schematic illustration of the arena showing major sections (N: nest zone, F: foraging zone, E: encounter zone). At the end of the E-zone, Lobsterbot (red) is situated, guarding the sucrose delivery port (green). (B) A rendered 3-D image of Lobsterbot. The sucrose port is located between the “claws”. The two red lines indicate infrared detectors, one for lick detection (short line) and the other for the entry to the E-zone (long line). (C) The experimental schedule. (D) Sample snapshots of Avoidance Withdrawal (AW) and Escape Withdrawal (EW). In a AW trial, the rat typically retracts its head ahead of time and watches the Lobsterbot attack. In a EW trial, the rat reflexively flees from the attack. (E) Example behavior data containing two consecutive trials (Trial 15 and 16). Each trial started with a reentry to the N zone which triggers gate opening. The rat leaving the N zone typically moves toward the E-zone across the F-zone. The entry to the E zone is detected by an IR beam sensor (blue shade). Within the E zone, the rat starts licking (green lines) until being attacked by Lobsterbot (red line) 3 or 6 s after the first lick. The rat shows voluntary withdrawal behavior (AW; Trial 15) or forced escape behavior (EW; Trial 16). (F) A summary of the AW trial rates for each animal during the L sessions.