Generation of single drivers from T2A-QF2-T2A-LexA-GAD knock-ins by hs-FLP.
(A) FLP/FRT recombination scheme. Flies containing both hs-FLP and a T2A-QF2-T2A-LexA-GAD knock-in are heat shocked during larval development to induce one of two mutually exclusive recombination events in their germline between either FRT or FRT3. (B) heat shock of hsFLP; hhT2A-QF2-T2A-LexA-GADand hsFLP; dppT2A-QF2-T2A-LexA-GAD flies produces frequent recombinants, both T2A-QF2 and T2A-LexA-GAD. The bar graph shows the proportion of heat-shocked animals that produced at least one recombinant offspring. The dot plot shows the proportion of recombinant offspring per heat-shocked parent. Mean +/- SD is indicated. (C-D) Validation of individual hhT2A-QF2 and hhT2A-LexA-GAD derivatives by immunofluorescence. All panels show 3rd instar larval wing discs dissected from potential hhT2A-QF2-T2A-LexA-GADrecombinants crossed to a QUAS-GFP + LexAop-mCherry reporter line. (C) Wing disc from non-recombinant hhT2A-QF2-T2A-LexA-GAD showing expression of both GFP and mCherry in the posterior of the wing disc. Note, this is the same image as shown in Figure 4D. (D) Wing disc from recombinant hhT2A-QF2 showing expression of GFP but not mCherry in the posterior of the wing disc. (E) Wing disc from recombinant hhT2A-LexA-GAD showing expression of mCherry but not GFP in the posterior of the wing disc. Validation of (F) hhT2A-QF2 and hhT2A-LexA-GAD derivatives and (G) dppT2A- QF2 and dppT2A-LexA-GAD derivatives by PCR from genomic DNA from individual flies. In all panels, for brevity, T2A-QF2-T2A-LexAop, T2A-QF2 and T2A-LexAop, are notated as Q+L, Q(-L) and L(-Q), respectively.