Binding of coenzymes with early and late amino acids by backbone and side chain atoms. “Backbone” interactions refer to residues in the coenzyme binding sites that interact purely through amino acid backbone atoms. “Side chain” interactions involve residues that interact solely via side chain atoms. “Backbone & Side chain” residues are those that interact with the coenzyme using both their backbone and side chain atoms. (A) Abundance of amino acids in individual studied coenzymes. “Backbone & Side chain” interactions are not depicted. Unclassified cofactors are in gray, Post-LUCA in yellow, LUCA in cyan and Ancient in purple. Amino acids are ranked by the order of addition of amino acids to the genetic code (Higgs and Pudritz, 2009). (B) Proportion of early versus late residues in coenzyme categories by interaction type. In each coenzyme category, the individual proportions add up to 100%. The amino acid composition was normalized by the percentage of late residues from the UniProt sequences retrieved from our database. The statistical significance of early versus late amino acid composition for each interaction type per coenzyme temporality was determined by a Chi-squared test (*, P < 0.05; **, P < 0.01; ***, P < 0.001; ****, P < 0.0001) . For detailed statistical analysis, refer to Supplementary Table 7.