HFD up-regulates adipokinetic hormone gene Akh and activates Akh neurons
(A) Representative confocal image of Akh producing cells (APCs; green, GFP) in Akh- Gal4>10xUAS-GFP (Akh-Gal4>GFP) transgenic flies (3-day-old females). The image shows the anterior section of the digestive system, including the crop, esophagus, and proventriculus. The APCs are located at the corpora cardiaca, which attaches to the esophagus, just anterior to the proventriculus. Phalloidin stains actin filaments red; DAPI stains DNA in nucleus blue. Scale bar: 100 μm. (B) RT-qPCR analysis of Akh expression in w1118 flies (female) that were fed either a normal fat diet (NFD) or a high-fat diet (HFD) for 7 days following eclosion from pupa. Ten flies per group, repeated three times. Statistical analysis was performed with unpaired t-test corrected with Welch; *, P<0.05. (C) Representative confocal images of Akh- Gal4>CaLexA APCs from female adult flies fed an NFD or HFD (for 7 days following eclosion from pupa). CaLexA is a transcription-based genetically encoded calcium indicator for neuronal activity. CaLexA fluorescence has been presented as heatmap; scale from 0 (blue), no CaLexA detected, to 255 (red) high levels CaLexA. Scale bars: 20 μm. (D) Quantitation of CaLexA fluorescence in C (7-day-old females; NFD, n=14; HFD, n=10). Statistical analysis was performed with unpaired t-test corrected with Welch; ***, P<0.001.