Characterization of PM and PMM sub-network motifs’ features associated with differentially abundant (DA) GSMMs. A. Box plots showing the count of PMM sub-networks generated by GSMMs in the first microbial position classified as either healthy (H), sick (S), or non-associated (NA). Boxes extend from first quantile to the third quantile, middle line represents the median; dots outside whiskers indicate outliers. Distinction of groups was determined using ANOVA followed by the Tukey post-hoc test. Asterisks indicate significance of test (*** <= 0.005 ** <= 0.01 * <= 0.05) B. Bar plot showing the prevalence of exudates significantly associated with H or S-classified PM sub-networks (Hypergeometric test; FDR <= 0.05; green: healthy-H, red: sick-S). C. Bar plots showing the prevalence of secreted compounds in PM sub-networks, which are significantly associated with H-classified (upper, colored green), or S-classified (lower, colored red) (Hypergeometric test; FDR <= 0.05). Compound name identifiers were taken from the BIGG database (X-axes). Venn diagram on the right represents the intersection of secreted compounds derived from both S and H classified PM sub-networks.