Episodic adaptive evolution and relaxed selection intensity on protein-coding genes in gorillas.
A. Consensus phylogeny of 261 mammals from which protein-coding gene alignments were generated. The ape (Hominoidea) part of the tree is expanded, and the ancestral Homininae node used to reconstruct ancestral sequences is labeled. Branch lengths are scaled to the number of amino acid substitutions in each branch (see inset branch scale).
B. The ABSREL model detects episodic adaptive evolution. Under the null model of no positive selection, a gene can have one or more classes of sites with dN/dS ≤ 1. When a gene experiences an episode of positive selection, most sites still have dN/dS ≤ 1 but also includes an additional rate class with dN/dS > 1; positive selection is inferred with a gene includes a class of sites with dN/dS > 1 with a likelihood ratio test (LRT) P≤0.05.
C. Volcano plot showing the dN/dS value (Log2) and likelihood ratio test (LRT) P-value (–Log10) for the ABSREL test in the gorilla lineage. 96 genes were identified with 2 rate classes where one had dN/dS > 1 (LRT P≤0.05), 55 genes were identified with 2 rate classes where one had dN/dS < 1 (LRT P≤0.05), the remaining 13,336 genes had one rate class with dN/dS<1.
D. Stacked bar chart showing the proportion of genes with dN/dS >1 (LRT P≤0.05) in the gorilla lineage. Pie charts show the proportion of genes with dN/dS >1 (LRT P≤0.05) in gorilla that are also dN/dS >1 (LRT P≤0.05) in at least one other lineage; 26 genes have evidence for positive selection only in the gorilla lineage.
E. The RELAX model detects intensified and relaxed selection. When selection is relaxed, dN/dS rates move toward 1 and/or the proportion of sites increases in rate classes with dN/dS values close to 1. In contrast, intensified selection drives dN/dS rates away from neutrality to more extreme values in the foreground than background lineages. Each branch in the RELAX model includes a selection intensity parameter (K), which scales the distribution of dN/dS rate categories (ω1k, ω2k, ω3k) such that genes with K<1 are inferred to evolve under relaxed selection intensity, and genes with K>1 are inferred to evolve under enhanced selection intensity.
F. Volcano plot showing the K-value (Log2) and likelihood ratio test (LRT) P-value (–Log10) for the RELAX test in the gorilla lineage. 578 genes were identified with K<1 and 144 with K>1 (LRT P≤0.05); the remaining 12,769 genes had K≈1. The 25 genes with the most extreme K<1 and P-values and the two genes with the most extreme K>1 values are labeled.
G. Stacked bar chart showing the proportion of genes with K<1, K>1, and K≈1 in the gorilla lineage. Pie charts show the proportion of genes with K>1 in gorilla that are also K≠1 in at least one other lineage (upper) or K<1 in gorilla that are also K≠1 in at least one other lineage (lower). Blue, the proportion of genes with K<1 in at least one other lineage. Red, proportion of genes with K>1 in at least one other lineage. Purple, the proportion of genes with K<1 and K>1 in other lineages.
Figure 1 – source data 1. Genomes used in selection tests.
Figure 1 – source data 2. List of positively selected genes from ABSREL.
Figure 1 – source data 3. List of K<1 genes from RELAX.
Figure 1 – source data 4. List of K>1 genes from RELAX.