Bridging the 3D geometrical organisation of white matter pathways across anatomical length scales and species

  1. Danish Research Centre for Magnetic Resonance, Center for Functional and Diagnostic Imaging and Research, Copenhagen University Hospital Amager and Hvidovre, 2650 Hvidovre, Denmark
  2. Department of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science, Technical University of Denmark, 2800 Kongens Lyngby, Denmark
  3. Guangdong Provincial Engineering Research Center of Molecular Imaging, The Fifth Affiliated Hospital, Sun Yat-sen University, 519000 Zhuhai, China
  4. ESRF - The European Synchrotron, 38043 Grenoble Cedex 9, France
  5. Department of Computer Science, University of Verona, Verona, Italy
  6. Institut für Röntgenphysik, Universität Göttingen, Friedrich-Hund-Platz. 1, D-37077 Göttingen, Germany
  7. Department of Neurology, Odense University Hospital, 5000 Odense, Denmark
  8. Institute of Molecular Medicine, University of Southern Denmark, Odense, Denmark
  9. BRIDGE—Brain Research—Inter-Disciplinary Guided Excellence, Department of Clinical Research, University of Southern Denmark, 5000 Odense, Denmark
  10. Rheumatology Research Unit, Odense University Hospital, 5000 Odense, Denmark
  11. School of Optometry, University of Montreal, Montreal, Canada
  12. Department of Neuroscience, Faculty of Health Science, University of Copenhagen, 2200 Copenhagen, Denmark

Peer review process

Not revised: This Reviewed Preprint includes the authors’ original preprint (without revision), an eLife assessment, and public reviews.

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  • Reviewing Editor
    Saad Jbabdi
    University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom
  • Senior Editor
    Yanchao Bi
    Beijing Normal University, Beijing, China

Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

This study presents valuable observations of white matter organisation from diffusion MRI and two types of synchrotron imaging in both monkeys and mice. Cross-modality comparisons are interesting as the different methods are able to probe anatomical structures at different length scales, from single axons in high-resolution synchrotron (ESRF) imaging, to clusters of axons in lower-resolution synchrotron (DEXY) data, to axon populations at the mm-scale in diffusion MRI. By acquiring all modalities in monkey and mouse ex vivo samples, the authors can observe principles of fibre organisation, and characterise how fibre characteristics, such as tortuosity and micro-dispersion, vary across select brain regions and in healthy tissue versus a demyelination model. The results are solid, though some statements (in the abstract/discussion) do not appear to be fully supported, and statistical tests would help confirm whether tissue characteristics are similar/different between different conditions.

One very interesting result is the observation of apparent laminar organisation of fibres in ex vivo monkey white matter samples. DESY data from the corpus callosum shows fibres with two dominant orientations (one L-R, one slightly inclined), clustered in laminar structures within this major fibre bundle. Thanks to the authors providing open data, I was able to look through the raw DESY volume and observe regions with different "textures" (different orientations) in the described laminar arrangement. That this organisation can be observed by eye, as well as by structure tensor, is fairly convincing. As not all readers will download the data themselves, the manuscript could benefit from additional figures/videos to demonstrate (1) the quality of the DESY data and (2) a more 3D visualisation of the laminar structures (where the coronal plane shows convincing columnar structure or stripes). Similarly in Figure 5A, though this nicely depicts two populations with different orientations, it is somewhat difficult to see the laminar structure in the current image.

ESRF data of the centrum semiovale (CS) contributes evidence for similar laminar structures in a crossing fibre region, where primarily AP fibres are shown to cluster in 3 laminar structures. As above, further visualisations of the ESRF volume in the CS (as shown in Figure 4E) would be of value (e.g. showing consistency across the 4 volumes, 2D images showing stripey/columnar patterns along different axes, etc).

A key limitation of this result is that, though the DESY data from the CC seems convincing, the same structures were not observed in high-resolution synchrotron (ESRF) data of the same tissue sample in the corpus callosum. This seems surprising and the manuscript does not provide a convincing explanation for this inconsistency. The authors argue that this is due to the limited FOV of the ESRF data (~200x200x800 microns). However, the observed laminar structures in DESY are ~40 microns thick, and ERSF data from the CST suggests laminar thicknesses in the range of 5-40 microns with a similar FOV. This suggests the ERSF FOV would be sufficient to capture at least a partial description of the laminar organisation. Further, the DESY data from the CC shows columnar variations along the LR axis, which we might expect to be observed along the long axis of the ESFR volume of the same sample. Additional analyses or explanations to reconcile these apparently conflicting observations would be of value. For example, the authors could consider down-sampling the ESRF data in an appropriate manner to make it more similar to the DESY data, and running the same analysis, to see if the observed differences are related to resolution (i.e. the thinner laminar structures cluster in ways that they look like a thicker laminar structure at lower resolution), or crop the DESY data to the size of the ESRF volume, to test whether the observed differences can be explained by differences in FOV.

Laminar structures were not observed in mouse data, though it is unclear if this is due to anatomical differences or somewhat related to differences in data quality across species.

The authors further quantify various other characteristics of the white matter, such as micro-dispersion, tortuosity, and maximum displacement. Notably, the microscopic FA calculated via structure tensor is fairly consistent across regions, though not modalities. When fibre orientations are combined across the sample, they are shown to produce similar FODs to dMRI acquired in the same tissue, which is reassuring. As noted in the text, the estimates of tortuosity and max displacement are dependent on the FOV over which they are calculated. Calculating these metrics over the same FOV, or making them otherwise invariant to FOV, could facilitate more meaningful comparisons across samples and/or modalities.

Though the results seem solid, some statements, particularly in the abstract and discussion, do not seem to be fully supported by the data. For example, the abstract states "Our findings revealed common principles of fibre organisation in the two species; small axonal fasciculi and major bundles formed laminar structures with varying angles, according to the characteristics of major pathways.", though the results show "no strong indication within the mouse CC of the axonal laminar organisation observed in the monkey". Similarly, the introduction states: "By these means, we demonstrated a new organisational principle of white matter that persists across anatomical length scales and species, which governs the arrangement of axons and axonal fasciculi into sheet-like laminar structures." Further comments on the text are provided below.

One observation not notably discussed in the paper is that the spherical histograms of Figure 3E/H appear to have an anisotropic spread of the white points about 0,0. It would be interesting if the authors could comment on whether this could be interpreted as the FOD having asymmetric dispersion and if so, whether the axis of dispersion relates to the fibre orientations of the laminar structures.

A limitation of the study is that it considers only small ex vivo tissue samples from two locations in a single postmortem monkey brain and slightly larger regions of mouse brain tissue. Consequently, further evidence from additional brain regions and subjects would be required to support more generalised statements about white matter organisation across the brain.

Given the monkey results, the mouse study (section 2.5 onwards) lacks some motivation. In particular, it is unclear why a demyelination model was studied and if/how this would link to the laminar structure observed in the monkey data. Further, it is unclear how comparable tortuosity/max deviation values are across species, considering the differences in data quality and relative resolution, given that the presented results show these values are very modality-dependent.

The paper introduces a new method of "scale-space" parameters for structure tensors. Since, to my understanding, this is the first description of the method, some simple validation of the method would be welcomed. Further, the same scale parameters are not used across monkeys and mice, with a larger kernel used in mice (Table 2) which is surprising given their smaller brain size. Some explanation would be helpful.

Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

In this work, the authors combine diffusion MRI and high-resolution x-ray synchrotron phase-contrast imaging in monkey and mouse brains to investigate the 3D organization of brain white matter across different scales and species. The work is at the forefront of the anatomical investigation of the human connectome and aligns with several current efforts to bridge the resolution gap between what we can see in vivo at the millimeter scale and the complexity of the human brain at the sub-micron scale. The authors compare the 3D white matter organization across modalities within 2 small regions in one monkey brain (body of the corpus callosum, centrum semiovale) and within one region (splenium of the corpus callosum) in healthy mice and in one murine model of focal demyelination. The study compares measures of tissue anisotropy and fiber orientations across modalities, performs a qualitative comparison of fasciculi trajectories across brain regions and tissue conditions using streamlined tractography based on the structure tensor, and attempts to quantify the shape of fasciculi trajectories by measuring the tortuosity index and the maximum deviation for each reconstructed streamline. Results show measures of anisotropy and fiber orientations largely agree across modalities, especially for larger FOV data. The high-resolution data allows us to explore the fiber trajectories in relation to tissue complexity and pathology. The authors claim the study reveals new common organization principles of white matter fibers across species and scales, for which axonal fasciculi arrange into sheet-like laminar structures.


The aim of the study is of central importance within present efforts to bridge the gap between macroscopic structures observable in vivo in humans using conventional diffusion MRI and the microscopic organization of white matter tissue. Results obtained from this type of study are important to interpret data obtained in vivo, inform the development of novel methodologies, and expand our knowledge of the structural and thus functional organization of brain circuits.

Multi-scale data acquired across modalities within the same sample constitute extremely valuable data that is often hard to acquire and represent a precious resource for validation of both diffusion MRI tractography and microstructure methods.

The inclusion of multi-species data adds value to the study, allowing the exploration of common organization principles across species.

The addition of data from a murine cuprizone model of focal demyelination adds interesting opportunities to study the underlying biological changes that follow demyelination and how these impact tissue anisotropy and fiber trajectories. These data can inform the interpretation and development of diffusion MRI microstructure models.


The main claim of a newly discovered laminar organization principle that is consistent across scales and species is not supported strongly enough by the data. The main evidence in support of the claim comes from the larger FOV data obtained from the body of the corpus callosum in the monkey brain. A laminar organization principle is partially shown in the centrum semiovale in the monkey brain and it is not shown in mice data. Additionally, the methods lack details to help the correct interpretation of these findings (e.g., how were these fasciculi defined?; how well do they represent different axonal populations?; what is the effect of blood vessels on the structure tensor reconstruction?; how was laminar separation quantified?) and the discussion does not provide a biological background for this organization. The corpus callosum sample suggests axons within a bundle of fibers are organized in a sheet-like fashion, while data from the centrum semiovale suggest fibers belonging to different fiber bundles are organized in a sheet-like arrangement. While I acknowledge the challenges in acquiring such high-resolution data, additional samples from different regions in the same animals and from different animals would help strengthen this claim.

The main goal of the study is to bridge the organization of white matter across anatomical length scales and species. However, given the substantial difference in FOVs between the two imaging modalities used, and the absence of intermediate-resolution data, it remains difficult to effectively understand how these results can be used to inform conventional diffusion MRI. In this sense, the introduction does not do a good enough job of building a strong motivation for the scientific questions the authors are trying to answer with these experiments and for the specific methodology used.

The cuprizone data represent a unique opportunity to explore the effect of demyelination on white matter tissue. However, this specific part of the study is not well motivated in the introduction and seems to represent a missed opportunity for further exploration of the qualitative and quantitative relationship between diffusion MRI and sub-micron tissue information (although unfortunately not within the same brain sample). This is especially true considering the diffusion MRI protocol for mice would allow extrapolation of advanced measures from different tissue compartments.

  1. Howard Hughes Medical Institute
  2. Wellcome Trust
  3. Max-Planck-Gesellschaft
  4. Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation