HOT loci as transcriptional condensates.
A) fraction of DAPs annotated as LLPS proteins in CD-CODE database. B) (upper) Distribution of DAPs in HOT loci binned by the % of HOT loci they overlap with. (lower) % of DAPs in the bins annotated as LLPS. Green points are the expected percentage values obtained by randomly shuffling the peaks in HOT loci 10 times. C) Z-scores of ChIP-seq signal values of LLPS proteins and the rest of the DAPs in HOT loci. D) % of the protein lengths predicted as IDRs (MobiDB) in LLPS proteins and the rest of the DAPs. E) Enrichment of ChIP-seq peaks of RNA-binding proteins and the rest of the DAPs. F) Enrichment of FANTOM, PINTS, and CAGE regions in HOT, regular enhancers, and regular promoters. G) Enrichment of eCLIP RBP-RNA interactions in HOT, exons, regular enhancers, and regular promoters. E,F,G) Enrichment values are quantified as log2(fold-change) with ATAC-seq regions as a background. C,D,E,G) red dots represent the mean values of the boxplots.