Many Foxp2-V1 interneurons receive proprioceptive inputs, and some are reciprocal Ia inhibitory interneurons (IaINs).
A, Left, low magnification confocal image of Foxp2-V1 lineage-labeling (eGFP) combined with VGLUT1 antibody staining to identify primary proprioceptive afferent synapses. The boxed area is shown at high magnification (right) to demonstrate variability of VGLUT1 synapse density on Foxp2-V1 interneurons (I = absent, II = medium or low, III = high). For simplicity and rigor, we classified Foxp2-V1 interneurons as receiving or not receiving VGLUT1 synapses. B, Percentage of Foxp2-V1 interneurons with VGLUT1 synapses (both proximal and distal). Each dot is one animal estimate from 6 or 7 ventral horns with respectively 591 and 525 Foxp2-V1 interneurons sampled. Line represents the average of both animals, 69.6%. C, Distribution of Foxp2-V1 interneurons with and without VGLUT1 synapses (green and blue, respectively). The positioning of Foxp2-V1 interneurons receiving VGLUT1 synapses is biased laterally. D, Foxp2-V1 interneurons with (green) and without (blue) VGLUT1 synapses according to expression of Otp (left graph) or Foxp2 (right graph). Each dot represents one mouse, and the lines represent averages. The numbers of sections and genetically labeled Foxp2-V1 interneurons sampled in each mouse are as in B. In each mouse, this includes 237 and 236 Otp-IR cells and 256 and 225 Foxp2-IR cells. E, Experimental design to label spinal neurons that receive inputs from tibialis anterior (TA) muscle primary afferents and also connect to lateral gastrocnemius (LG) motoneurons, forming Ia reciprocal inhibitory connections from TA to LG. TA sensory afferents are labeled anterogradely with CTB followed by antibody detection of CTB and the presynaptic marker VGLUT1. Interneurons premotor to LG motoneurons are labeled by monosynaptic retrograde labeling with RVΔG-mCherry. F, Foxp2-V1 IaIN with the most TA/VGLUT1 contacts (31) in our sample (n = 5). Left, low magnification image of Foxp2-V1 interneurons (eGFP, green), RV-mCherry labeling (red) of LG muscle afferents in the dorsal horn and interneurons presynaptic to the LG and of TA afferents anterogradely labeled with CTB (white). The Foxp2-V1 interneuron contains mCherry (yellow cell, inside box). This cell is magnified in two panels to the right, one showing Foxp2-V1 and RV-mCherry and the other RV-mCherry and CTB labeling. Arrows in the zoomed image show examples of CTB synapses (confirmed with VGLUT1) on the dendrites of this neuron. Far right image is the 3D reconstructed cell (Neurolucida) with CTB/VGLUT1 synapses indicated on its dendrites by yellow stars. The axon initial trajectory is indicated (the axon is lost at the section cut surface). The blue area highlights lamina IX. G, Low magnification showing TA-CTB afferents (white) and LG-RV-mCherry labeled interneurons (red). Transsynaptically labeled interneurons are categorized according to position and Foxp2-V1 lineage labeling: images below show superimposed Foxp2-V1 eGFP (green) and additional VGLUT1 immunolabeling (blue). The location of the LMC is indicated. Contralateral interneurons were found in LX (as the one in this section) and in LVIII (the other two in this animal, not shown). H, High magnification images of two LVII LG-coupled interneurons (RV-mCherry, red) receiving synapses from TA afferents (dendrites in boxed regions are shown at high magnification demonstrating CTB-TA labeling and VGLUT1 content). The most medial interneuron belongs to the Foxp2-V1 lineage (see inset with +eGFP). I, Neurolucida neuronal reconstructions showed that the Foxp2-V1 interneuron contained a medium number of TA/VGLUT1 synapses (13 contacts) in our sample of putative IaINs derived from the Foxp2-V1 lineage (n=5), while the non-Foxp2-V1 interneuron contained the largest (115) of any LVII reconstructed interneuron with mCherry, including many proximal synapses. However, one reason for this difference is that the dendrites projecting toward regions with high densities of TA CTB/VGLUT1 synapses were out of this tissue section. J, Intersection of otp and en1 using the dual color strategy with simultaneous expression of the Ai9 tdT and RCE-DC eGFP reporters. V1 cells that expressed otp are labeled with eGFP (green). In these cells the Ai9-tdT reporter is effectively deleted by flpo recombination dependent on otp expression level: strong (eGFP only) and weak (eGFP and tdT). V1 cells that express tdT only (red) never express otp. In addition, the sections were labeled with antibodies for Otp (light blue) to reveal cells that retained expression of Otp at P5 and ChAT (deep blue) to localize the motor pools. Most V1s express eGFP, with tdT-only cells being a minority. Right, cell plot positions of some of the cell types identified in these sections (one mouse 6 ventral horns in L4/L5). Most cells are Otp-V1 and include green (eGFP only) and pink cells (eGFP and tdT). K, Quantification of cells with eGFP only (green), tdT only (red), or both (pink) (n=12 ventral horns from 2 mice, error bars show SD). 88.6% of V1s expressed eGFP, most without tdT (61.1% of V1s) and of these around half (53.3%) retained Otp expression by P5. No Otp expression (antibody staining) was detected in tdT cells, and very few cells co-expressing tdT and eGFP (“weak” Otp expression) were Otp-IR. L, Detection of Pou6f2, calbindin and Otp in genetically labeled Otp-V1 cells. Left confocal image and right cell plot (n=6 ventral horns from 1 mouse). Pou6f2-Otp-V1 cells concentrate in a dorsal band within the ventral horn. Calbindin-IR Otp1-V1 cells concentrate in the Renshaw region (ventral most region) and others are in the dorsal region of the ventral horn. Otp-V1 cells retaining Otp expression at P5 occupy all dorsoventral positions in the lateral spinal cord. M, Quantification of 6 ventral horns at L4/L5 from one animal; 397 Otp-V1 cells sampled. Most (72.5%) did not express Pou6f2 or calbindin, 12.8% expressed Pou6f2 and 14.4% calbindin. Only one Otp-V1 neuron in the whole sample co-expressed Pou6f2 and calbindin (0.25%).