A novel approach for the quantification of embryonic movement (A) Diagram illustrating the point of action of miRNAs in the neural networks controlling behaviour. (B) Larval movement tracks for w1118 (left) and ΔmiR-2b-1 (right) larvae obtained using the frustrated total internal reflection based imaging system (FIM). (C) Quantification of average larval speed for w1118 and ΔmiR-2b-1 larvae using the FIM system. (D) Schematic describing the timeline of Drosophila embryonic development with the period of movement highlighted in blue. (E) Microscope images of a Drosophila embryo performing characteristic early movements, highlighted with asterisks. (F-H) Experimental pipeline for recording embryo movements. (F) eggshell removal (dechorionation) and adhesion to the imaging chamber, (G) imaging chamber design and (H) imaging set up under incident LED illumination. (I-J) Schematic describing the basis for movement detection: light is reflected from the embryo surface and internal structures and detected by a CCD sensor to generate a pixel map of the embryo (I). Embryonic movement changes the angle of reflected light, resulting in a different pixel map (J). (K-N) Pipeline for the quantification of embryonic movement. (K) representative image of the embryo movement chamber showing the assignment of regions of interest (ROIs) to individual embryos; (L) extraction of the mean grey value (MGV) for each frame (done in parallel for each ROI) allows the generation of raw movement traces for each individual embryo. Key developmental events that impact MGV (tracheal gas-filling, hatching) are indicated by arrowheads. (M) subtraction of the trace background calculated by rolling average removes slow changes in MGV that result from developmental events, allowing accurate quantification of deviations in MGV from baseline which represent movement over time (absolute values); (N) schematic of an idealised wild-type (w1118) movement trace with putative phases indicated.

miR-2b-1 controls movements during the neurogenic phase of embryonic movement (A) Representative movement trace for control (UAS-Kir) animals. A concept diagram that summarises the pattern is shown in the top right. (B) Heat map showing the average frequency spectrogram for movements of control (UAS-Kir) animals, determined by fast fourier transform (FFT) analysis (1-hour sliding window with a discrete 30-min step size) from onset of embryonic movement to hatching. Brighter colours indicate a stronger amplitude of movement at a given frequency. (C) Representative movement trace for experimental (Elav-Gal4>UAS-Kir) animals. (D) Average frequency spectrogram for Elav-Gal4>UAS-Kir animals. (E) Summation of MGV deviations during the myogenic phase in control (UAS-Kir, black) and experimental (Elav-Gal4>UAS-Kir, pink) animals. (F) Summation of MGV deviations during the neurogenic phase in control (UAS-Kir, black) and experimental (Elav-Gal4>UAS-Kir, pink) animals. (G) Distribution of signal amplitudes across different movement periods (p) derived from the FFT frequency analysis shown in panels B and D. A higher signal amplitude is produced when more movement occurs with a particular periodicity. Bars of different height at each period sampled show data from individual embryos. (H) Representative movement trace for control (w1118) animals. (I) Heat map showing the average frequency spectrogram for movements of w1118 control embryos. (J) Representative movement trace for experimental (ΔmiR-2b-1) animals. (K) Heat map showing the average frequency spectrogram for movements of ΔmiR-2b-1 embryos. (L) Summation of MGV deviations during the myogenic phase in control (w1118, black) and experimental (ΔmiR-2b-1, red) animals. (M) Summation of MGV deviations during the neurogenic phase in control (w1118, black) and experimental (ΔmiR-2b-1, red) embryos. (N) Distribution of signal amplitudes across different movement periods derived from the FFT frequency analysis shown in panels I and K.

miR-2b-1 acts within neurons to regulate embryonic and larval movement (A) Gene diagram describing the miR-2b-1 locus including the host gene Btk and its RNA transcripts. A fluorescence in situ hybridisation (FISH) probe for Btk is indicated by the magenta bar. (B) FISH experiment on control w1118 embryos showing expression of the miRNA host Btk transcripts (antisense probe, middle panel) [DAPI stain in blue (upper image); Btk sense probe in magenta (lower image)]. (C) Experimental workflow for a fluorescence activated cell sorting (FACS) experiment. Neurons were labelled by elav-Gal4>UAS-GFP (left), followed by enzymatic and mechanical separation and isolation of GFP+ neurons. (D) RT-PCR analysis showing expression of mature miR-2b-1 (right) detected in neurons at the onset of the neurogenic phase (RP49 signal (left) shown as control). (E) Movement patterns were assessed in embryos with normal miR-2b-1 expression (wild-type, black), null miR-2b-1 mutants (red) and in mutant embryos in which miR-2b-1 expression was restored (reconstituted) specifically in neurons (red and black). (F) Summation of MGV deviations during the neurogenic phase of embryonic movement in control w1118 embryos (black bar); ΔmiR-2b-1 mutant embryos (bright red bar); ΔmiR-2b-, UAS-miR-2b-1 parental control embryos (faded red bar); ΔmiR- 2b-1, Elav-Gal4>UAS-miR-2b-1 embryos (black and red lined bar). (G) Average L1 larval speed for the same genotypes used in the embryonic genetic reconstitution experiment. (H) Schematic describing the experimental setup for fluorescence imaging of elav>GCaMP6s-P2A-nls-tdTomato- p10 embryos under an epifluorescence microscope. This design allows simultaneous detection of calcium dynamics (GCaMP6s) and movement (tdTomato). (I) Representative GCaMP6s trace (green) from control w1118 embryos over the neurogenic phase of embryonic movement. (J) Representative tdTomato trace from the same embryo as in panel I, acting as a passive fluorescence reporter used to subtract changes in GCaMP6s signal induced by embryonic movement. (K) Representative ΔF/F trace for w1118embryos. (L) Representative ΔF/F trace for ΔmiR-2b-1 mutant embryos. (M) Summation of ΔF/F signal during embryogenesis in control w1118 embryos (black bar) and ΔmiR-2b-1 mutant embryos (red bar).

The genetic and cellular mechanisms that link miR-2b-1 to embryonic movement (A) Workflow for the FACS and RT-qPCR experiments shown in panel B and schematic describing the ComiR miRNA target prediction tool used to generate the list of candidate miR-2b-1 targets. (B) Expression analysis (qPCR) of 10 predicted miR-2b-1 target genes shown as fold change between ΔmiR-2b-1 mutant and control w1118 embryos (three biological replicates). Targets are listed from top to bottom by descending probability score. [The black control bar, set to 1, represents expression of each gene in control w1118 embryos]. Note that upregulation of CG3638 is statistically significant (p=0.0169). (C) Schematic of the CG3638 transcript with miR-2b-1 target sites indicated (orange lines). (D) Whole embryo qPCR experiment showing a reduction of CG3638 expression in elav- Gal4>UAS-miR-2b-1 embryos (orange bar), relative to control elav-Gal4>UAS-GFP embryos (black bar). (E) Evolutionary conservation of the CG3638 protein across a wide range of invertebrate and vertebrate species (left), as determined with PhylomeDB 5 software (Huerta-Cepas et al., 2014) [Homo sapiens and Drosophila melanogaster highlighted in yellow]. Gene schematics highlighting the conserved Tweety domain are shown on the right. (F-I) Transmembrane domain structure (left) and AlphaFold structural predictions (right) for Human TTYH1 (F-G) and Drosophila CG3638 (H- I). (J) Embryonic movement quantification (summation of MGV deviations) of ΔmiR-2b-1, elav>CG3638-RNAi embryos (orange bar) during the neurogenic phase compared to control w1118 (black bar), ΔmiR-2b-1 mutant (bright red bar) and control ΔmiR-2b-1, elav>control-RNAi embryos (faded red bar). (K) qPCR expression profiling of CG3638 in whole embryos of the genotypes tested in panel J. (L) Diagram describing key cell types that form a feedback loop for activity-dependent motor development. Motor neurons (MNs, blue) induce muscle (red) movements which are in turn detected by proprioceptive chordotonal organs (Mechano-ch, orange) and feed-back into the CNS to regulate activity patterns. (M-N) Reconstitution experiments that restore miR-2b-1 expression in specific cellular elements related to embryonic movement circuitry. (M) Quantification of larval speed in control w1118(black); ΔmiR-2b-1 mutant (red); ΔmiR-2b-1, UAS-miR-2b-1 parental control (pink) and ΔmiR-2b-1, OK371-Gal4>UAS-miR-2b-1 experimental embryos (brown). (N) Quantification of larval speed in ΔmiR-2b-1, iav-Gal4>UAS-miR-2b-1 (brown) and control genotypes as in panel M. (O) Schematic describing FACS isolation of embryonic chordotonal organs. (P) Mature miR-2b-1 (right) is expressed in chordotonal organs isolated during the neurogenic phase (RP49 expression shown on left). (Q) Chordotonal specific qPCR expression profiling of CG3638 in ΔmiR-2b-1 mutant and control w1118 embryos. (R) Average larval speed of ΔmiR-2b-1, elav>CG3638-RNAi (orange) compared to control w1118 (black), ΔmiR-2b-1 mutant (red) and control ΔmiR-2b-1, UAS-control-RNAi (pink). (S) Model for the mechanism by which miR-2b-1 acts to control embryonic movement in chordotonal organs. Under normal (control) conditions (top), miR- 2b-1 inhibits the expression of CG3638 and thereby enables normal movement. In ΔmiR-2b-1 mutants (bottom), de-repression of CG3638 expression leads to a reduction in embryonic movement.