Representative cue- and task-responsive neurons in distinct patients.
A-C. Upper panels: firing rates time-locked to the onset of a trial (300 ms long auditory cue; vertical purple shade), compared to a 500 ms pre-cue baseline (“B”). Two significance windows were tested: the post-cue window (500 ms after cue offset; grey horizontal bar; cue-selective neurons) or the stimulation window (800 ms to 2800 ms post-cue; black horizontal bar; task-selective neurons). Asterisks represent statistical significance (p < 0.05). Shaded areas indicate bootstrapped standard errors. Inset: corresponding action potentials (shaded area indicates standard deviation; vertical bar corresponds to 100 μV). Lower panels: raster plot with trials sorted by stimulus onset (dashed lines) and type: hits (blue), misses (red), correct rejections (C.R.; green), and false alarms (F.A.; black). A. Cue-selective neuron in the thalamus. B. Cue- and task-selective neurons in the STN. C. Task-selective neuron in the thalamus. D. Sagittal view of recording locations for thalamic (squares) and subthalamic (circles) targets (see Figure S3A for a coronal view). Filled circles or squares are cue/task-selective neurons. Legend: VL: ventral lateral thalamus, VPlm: ventral posterior lateral and medial thalamus, VPi: ventral posterior inferior thalamus, STN: subthalamic nucleus, SN: substentia nigra, GPi/e: globus pallidus internalis / externalis,