Cytosolic tRNA abundance in Polr3a-tamKI cerebra at P42.
(A) Total cytoplasmic tRNA reads in WT and KI cerebra, normalized to the sum of spike-in and mitochondrially-encoded tRNA reads are expressed relative to the mean WT value. Mean ± SD, KI n= 4, WT n= 6 biological replicates, p = 0.0003.
(B) tRNA fold change (KI/WT) is plotted against Log mean WT reads. Symbols show tRNAs encoded by unique loci (gray), identical tRNAs encoded by multiple loci (hollow black), iMet tRNAs (red) and tRNAArg-TCT-4-1 (green).
(C) tRNA fold change (KI/WT) for all decoder families. Individual tRNAs are ordered from most to least fold change and grouped by codon recognition (tRNA decoder family). The amino acid for each tRNA decoder family is indicated.
(D) Violin plots of tRNA decoder fold changes (KI/WT) for cerebra (Ca) and cerebella (Cb) at P42. tRNA reads were summed for each tRNA decoder family and normalized to spike-in and mitochondrial tRNA reads, p = 0.0250. For Ca, n= 4 (KI) and n= 6 (WT) biological replicates and for Cb, n= 5 (KI) and n= 6 (WT) biological replicates.
(E) The cytoplasmic tRNA profile for KI cerebra is plotted against the WT profile. tRNA decoder reads are expressed as a percentage of their respective total cytoplasmic decoder pool, mean ± SEM. tRNA decoders that are significantly lower in the KI compared to WT (p ≤ 0.05) fall below the regression line and are labeled. The inset shows tRNA decoders representing <0.2% of the total tRNA pool.
(F) DE tRNA decoders in cerebra (Ca).
(G) DE tRNA decoders in cerebella (Cb). Heatmaps represent Z scores of normalized read counts for significant DE genes (p-adj <0.05).
(H) Venn diagram of the overlap between DE tRNA decoders in Ca and Cb (p-adj <0.05).