Rabphilin-3A negatively regulates neuropeptide release, through its SNAP25 interaction

  1. Department of Functional Genomics, Faculty of Exact Science, Center for Neurogenomics and Cognitive Research, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam and Vrije Universiteit Medical Center, Amsterdam 1081 HV, The Netherlands
  2. Department of Clinical Genetics, Center for Neurogenomics and Cognitive Research, Amsterdam Neuroscience, Vrije Universiteit Medical Center, Amsterdam 1105 AZ, The Netherlands

Peer review process

Not revised: This Reviewed Preprint includes the authors’ original preprint (without revision), an eLife assessment, and public reviews.

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  • Reviewing Editor
    Nils Brose
    Max Planck Institute of Experimental Medicine, Göttingen, Germany
  • Senior Editor
    John Huguenard
    Stanford University School of Medicine, Stanford, United States of America

Joint Public Review:

The molecular mechanisms that mediate the regulated exocytosis of neuropeptides and neurotrophins from neurons via large dense-core vesicles (LDCVs) are still incompletely understood. Motivated by their earlier discovery that the Rab3-RIM1 pathway is essential for neuronal LDCV exocytosis, the authors now examined the role of the Rab3 effector Rabphilin-3A in neuronal LDCV secretion. Based on multiple live and confocal imaging approaches, the authors provide evidence for a synaptic enrichment of Rabphilin-3A and for independent trafficking of Rabphilin-3A and LDCVs. Using an elegant NPY-pHluorin imaging approach, they show that genetic deletion of Rabphilin-3A causes an increase in electrically triggered LDCV fusion events and increased neurite length. Finally, knock-out-replacement studies, involving Rabphilin-3A mutants deficient in either Rab3- or SNAP25-binding, indicate that the synaptic enrichment of Rabphilin-3A depends on its Rab3 binding ability, while its ability to bind to SNAP25 is required for its effects on LDCV secretion and neurite development. The authors conclude that Rabphilin-3A negatively regulates LDCV exocytosis and propose that this mechanism also affects neurite growth, e.g. by limiting neurotrophin secretion. These are important findings that advance our mechanistic understanding of neuronal large dense-core vesicle (LDCV) secretion.

The major strengths of the present paper are:

(i) The use of a powerful Rabphilin-3A KO mouse model.
(ii) Stringent lentiviral expression and rescue approaches as a strong genetic foundation of the study.
(iii) An elegant FRAP imaging approach.
(iv) A cutting-edge NPY-pHluorin-based imaging approach to detect LDCV fusion events.

Weaknesses that somewhat limit the convincingness of the evidence provided and the corresponding conclusions include the following:

(i) The limited resolution of the various imaging approaches introduces ambiguity to several parameters (e.g. LDCV counts, definition of synaptic localization, Rabphilin-3A-LDCV colocalization, subcellular and subsynaptic localization of expressed proteins, AZ proximity of Rabphilin-3A and LDCVs) and thereby limits the reliability of corresponding conclusions. Super-resolution approaches may be required here.
(ii) The description of the experimental approaches lacks detail in several places, thus complicating a stringent assessment.
(iii) Further analyses of the LDCV secretion data (e.g. latency, release time course) would be important in order to help pinpoint the secretory step affected by Rabphilin-3A.
(iv) It remains unclear why a process that affects a general synaptic SNARE fusion protein - SNAP25 - would specifically affect LDCV but not synaptic vesicle fusion.
(v) The mechanistic links between Rabphilin-3A function, LDCV density in neurites, neurite outgrowth, and the proposed underlying mechanisms involving trophic factor release remain unclear.

Reviewer #1 (Public Review):


The manuscript by Hoogstraaten et al. investigates the effect of constitutive Rabphilin 3A (RPH3A) ko on the exocytosis of dense core vesicles (DCV) in cultured mouse hippocampal neurons. Using mCherry- or pHluorin-tagged NPY expression and EGFP- or mCherry tagged RPHA3, the authors first analyse the colocalization of DCVs and RPH3A. Using FRAP, the authors next analyse the mobility of DCVs and RAB3A in neurites. The authors go on to determine the number of exocytotic events of DCVs in response to high-frequency electrical stimulation and find that RPH3A ko increases the number of exocytotic events by a factor 2-3, but not the fraction of released DCVs in a given cell (8x 50Hz stim). In contrast, the release fraction is also increased in RBP3A KOs when doubling the stimulation number (16x 50Hz). They further observe that RPH3A ko increases dendrite and axon length and the overall number of ChgrB-positive DCVs. However, the overall number of DCVs and dendritic length in ko cells directly correlate, indicating that the number of vesicles per dendritic length remains unaffected in the RPH3A KOs. Lentiviral co-expression of tetanus toxin (TeNT) showed a non-significant trend to reduce axon and dendrite length in RPH3a KOs. Finally, the authors use co-expression of RAB3A and SNAP25 constructs to show that RAB3A but not SNAP25 interaction is required to allow the exocytosis-enhancing effect in RPH3A KOs.

While the authors' methodology is sound, the microscopy results are performed well and analyzed appropriately, but their results in larger parts do not sufficiently support their conclusions. Moreover, the experiments are not always described in sufficient detail (e.g. FRAP; DCV counts vs. neurite length) to fully understand their claims.

Overall, I thus feel that the manuscript does not provide a sufficient advance in knowledge.


- The authors' methodology is sound, and the microscopy results are performed well and analyzed appropriately.
- Figure 2: The exocytosis imaging is elegant and potentially very insightful. The effect in the RPH3A KOs is convincing.
- Figure 4: the logic of this experiment is elegant. It shows that the increased number of DCV fusion events in RPH3A KOs is related to the interaction of RPH3A with RAB3A but not with SNAP25.

- The results in larger parts do not sufficiently support the conclusions.
- The experiments are not always described in sufficient detail (e.g. FRAP; DCV counts vs. neurite length) to fully understand their claims.
- Not of sufficient advance in knowledge for this journal
- The significance of differences in control experiments WT vs. KO) varies between experiments shown in different figures.
- Axons and dendrites were not analyzed separately in Figures 1 and 2.
- The colocalization study in Figure 1 would require super-resolution microscopy.

Reviewer #2 (Public Review):


Hoogstraaten et al investigated the involvement of rabphilin-3A RPH3A in DCV fusion in neurons during calcium-triggered exocytosis at the synapse and during neurite elongation. They suggest that RPH3A acts as an inhibitory factor for LDV fusion and this is mediated partially via its interaction with SNAP25 and not Rab3A/Rab27. It is a very elegant study although several questions remain to be clarified.


The authors use state-of-the-art techniques like tracking NPY-PHluorin exocytosis and FRAP experiments to quantify these processes providing novel insight into LDCs exocytosis and the involvement of RPH3A.


At the current state of the manuscript, further supportive experiments are necessary to fully support the authors' conclusions.

Reviewer #3 (Public Review):


The molecular mechanism of regulated exocytosis has been extensively studied in the context of synaptic transmission. However, in addition to neurotransmitters, neurons also secrete neuropeptides and neurotrophins, which are stored in dense core vesicles (DCVs). These factors play a crucial role in cell survival, growth, and shaping the excitability of neurons. The mechanism of release for DCVs is similar, but not identical, to that used for SV exocytosis. This results in slow kinetic and low release probabilities for DCV compared to SV exocytosis. There is a limited understanding of the molecular mechanisms that underlie these differences. By investigating the role of rabphilin-3A (RPH3A), Hoogstraaten et al. uncovered for the first time a protein that inhibits DCV exocytosis in neurons.


In the current work, Hoogstraaten et al. investigate the function of rabphilin-3A (RPH3A) in DVC exocytosis. This RAB3 effector protein has been shown to possess a Ca2+ binding site and an independent SNAP25 binding site. Using colocalization analysis of confocal imaging the authors show that in hippocampal neurons RPH3A is enriched at pre- and post-synaptic sites and associates specifically with immobile DCVs. Using site-specific RPH3A mutants they found that the synaptic location was due to its RAB3 interaction site. They further could show that RPH3A inhibits DCV exocytosis due to its interaction with SNAP25. They came to that conclusion by comparing NPY-pHluorin release in WT and RPH3A KO cells and by performing rescue experiments with RPH3A mutants. Finally, the authors showed that by inhibiting stimulated DCV release, RPH3A controlled the axon and dendrite length possibly through the reduced release of neurotrophins. Thereby, they pinpoint how the proper regulation of DCV exocytosis affects neuron physiology.


Data context
One of the findings is that RPH3A accumulates at synapses and is mainly associated with immobile DCVs. However, Farina et al. (2015) showed that 66% of all DCVs are secreted at synapses and that these DCVs are immobile prior to secretion. To provide additional context to the data, it would be valuable to determine if RPH3A KO specifically enhances secretion at synapses. Additionally, the authors propose that RPH3A decreases DCV exocytosis by sequestering SNAP25 availability. At first glance, this hypothesis appears suitable. However, due to RPH3A synaptic localization, it should also limit SV exocytosis, which it does not. In this context, the only explanation for RPH3A's specific inhibition of DCV exocytosis is that RPH3A is located at a synapse site remote from the active zone, thus protecting the pool of SNAP25 involved in SV exocytosis from binding to RPH3A. This hypothesis could be tested using super-resolution microscopy.

Technical weakness
One technical weakness of this work consists in the proper counting of labeled DCVs. This is significant since most findings in this manuscript rely on this analysis. Since the data was acquired with epi-fluorescence or confocal microscopy, it doesn't provide the resolution to visualize individual DCVs when they are clumped. The authors use a proxy to count the number of DCVs by measuring the total fluorescence of individual large spots and dividing it by the fluorescence intensity of discrete spots assuming that these correspond to individual DCVs. This is an appropriate method but it heavily depends on the assumption that all DCVs are loaded with the same amount of NPY-pHluorin or chromogranin B (ChgB ). Due to the importance of this analysis for this manuscript, I suggest that the authors show that the number of DCVs per µm2 is indeed affected by RPH3A KO using super-resolution techniques such as dSTORM, STED, SIM, or SRRF.

  1. Howard Hughes Medical Institute
  2. Wellcome Trust
  3. Max-Planck-Gesellschaft
  4. Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation