High temporal resolution (1.9 to 3.2 seconds per frame) time courses of microvascular radii:
Loess smoothed vascular radius estimates over time in significantly responding vessels as determined by an F-test comparing the variance in vascular radius before and after stimulation. Light blue corresponds to trials with 1.1 mW/mm2 photostimulation at 458 nm; dark blue, 4.3 mW/mm2 at 458 nm; green, 4.3 mW/mm2 photostimulation at 552 nm; and red, 2 mA, 3 Hz, 10 seconds on, 10 seconds off stimulation of the contralateral forepaw. Images were acquired for 5 minutes prior to stimulation, and for 5 minutes following the end of the stimulation. Optogenetic stimuli were parametrized as described in section 3.2. The forepaw stimulation started at the vertical blue line time and lasted for the duration of the scan. A. Sample murine radii traces in vessels whose radius was significantly altered following photostimulations. This volume was acquired from a depth of 156 - 94 μm below the cortical surface with each volume acquisition lasting 2.98 seconds. B. Another sample murine radii traces in vessels whose radius was significantly altered following photostimulations. This volume was acquired from a depth of 75 - 5 μm below the cortical surface with each volume acquisition lasting 3.17 seconds. C, D. Traces of responding vessel radii from the third mouse. C. This volume was acquired from a depth of 305 - 341 μm below the cortical surface with each volume acquisition lasting 1.93 seconds. D. This volume was acquired from a depth of 276 - 235 μm below the cortical surface with each volume acquisition lasting 2.16 seconds.