Osteogenic and osteoclastic metabolism of mouse femur under psychological stress. (A) Masson staining (B-C) Representative IHC images for OSX, OCN expression in the femur. (D) Calcein double labeling of cortical bone with quantification of MAR (E) qRT-PCR quantification analysis of osteogenic markers including Osx, Ocn, Opn, Dmp1, Runx2, Alp. (F) Representative TRAP staining images of the femur with quantitative analysis of (G) osteoclast surface per bone surface (Oc.S/BS) and (H) number per bone surface (N.OC/B). (I) qRT-PCR quantification analysis of osteogenic markers including Ca2, Mmp9, Nfatc1, Acp5. (J) Representative IHC images for MMP9 in the femur. All data are presented as mean ± SD, n=3; *, P < 0.05, **, P < 0.01, ***, P < 0.001, by unpaired Student’s t-test. Scale bar, 100 um. Figure 3— figure supplement 1 (A) Serum Elisa assay of osteogenic and osteoclastic markers. (B) Serum biochemical assay of osteogenic and osteoclastic markers. All data are presented as mean ± SD, n=4; ns, P>0.05, *, P < 0.05, **, P < 0.01, by unpaired Student’s t-test. Figure 3— figure supplement 2 qRT-PCR quantification analysis of osteoclastic markers including Oscar, Dastamp, Calar, Ctsk, Rank/Opg, Clcn7. All data are presented as mean ± SD, n=3; ns, P>0.05, by unpaired Student’s t-test.