Noncanonical effect of Ih block on EPSPs in L2/3 PCs
a. Experimental arrangement of extracellular targeted stimulation of a L2/3 PC dendrite. b. Application of ZD-7288 revealed a proximal bias for EPSP modulation by Ih (Exponential fit τ=104.7 µm, R2=0.33, n=18). Inset shows a stimulating location 28 µm away from the soma in control conditions (black trace) and upon Z-7288 application (green trace). c. EPSP halfwidth is significantly modulated along the dendritic axis by Ih, (proximal dendritic locations: 17.42 ± 1.68 ms vs. 40.95 ± 24.78 ms for control vs 50µm ZD-7288 bath application, p=0.03, t(6)=2.84, Student’s paired t-test, n=7, distal dendritic locations: 22.68 ± 1.78 ms vs. 28.65 ± 2.17 ms for control vs 50µm ZD-7288 bath application, p=2.1- 4, t(8)=-6.39, Student’s paired t-test, n=9). d. Schematic illustration of the experimental arrangement. L2/3 PCs were recorded in whole-cell current clamp mode, and a stimulating electrode was placed either in L1 or L4. e. Ih modulates EPSP halfwidth for L4 stimulation, but not for L1 (13.87 ± 1.37 ms vs. 15.8 ± 1.67 ms for control vs CsMeSO4 bath application in L1, p=0.38, t(18)=-0.89, Student’s two- sample t-test, n=10 each, 10.65 ± 0.64 ms vs. 20.17 ± 2.88 ms for control vs CsMeSO4 bath application for L4-Type I inputs, p=0.005, t(18)=-3.22, Student’s two-sample t-test, n=10 each, 11.01 ± 0.85 ms vs. 17.05 ± 2.41 ms for control vs CsMeSO4 bath application for L4-Type II, p=0.03, t(18)=-2.36, Student’s two-sample t-test, n=10 each). f. Pathway-specific Ih effect on unitary EPSP voltage integral (9.35 ± 2.54 mV*ms vs. 12.9 ± 2.04 mV*ms for control vs CsMeSO4 bath application in L1, p=0.3, t(19)=-1.07, Student’s two-sample t-test, n=11 and n=10 respectively, 7.85 ± 1.24 mV*ms vs. 17.39 ± 2.5 mV*ms for control vs CsMeSO4 bath application for L4-Type I inputs, p=0.002, t(20)=-3.6, Student’s two-sample t-test, n=12 and n=10 respectively, 28.01 ± 3.45 mV*ms vs. 44.89 ± 6.42 mV*ms for control vs CsMeSO4 bath application for L4-Type II inputs, p=0.03, t(18)=-2.31, Student’s two-sample t-test, n=10 each). g. Representative recordings of 50 Hz repeated extracellular stimuli (L1 – grey, L4-Type I – blue, putative L4-Type II -green). h. Temporal summation of L4-Type I input stimulation in control conditions (black) and during CsMeSO4 application (red). i. Pathway-specific Ih modulation of synaptic summation (81.05 ± 14.5 mV*ms vs. 71.07 ± 11.19 mV*ms for control vs CsMeSO4 bath application in L1, p=0.6, t(18)=0.54, Student’s two-sample t-test, n=10 each, 60.06 ± 9.03 mV*ms vs. 95.15 ± 11.29 mV*ms for control vs CsMeSO4 bath application for L4-Type I, p=0.03, t(18)=-2.42, Student’s two-sample t-test, n=10 each, 182.08 ± 23.36 mV*ms vs. 182.05 ± 28.59 mV*ms for control vs CsMeSO4 bath application for L4-Type II, p=0.99, t(18)=8.74*10-4, Student’s two-sample t-test, n=10 each). j. Schematic illustration of the experimental setup. Mice were injected with AAV.CAMKII.C1V1/eYFP either in the latermodial visual area (LM, to label axons arriving to L1) or in the LGN (to label proximal targeting axons). k. Example trace showing optogenetic activation of LM (top) and LGN (bottom) axons in control conditions (black) and upon Cs+ application (red). Traces are normalized. Blue line marks the timing of the optogenetic stimulus. l. Cs+ effect on optogenetically elicited EPSPs from cortico-cortical (LM, left; 35.06 ± 3.06 vs. 31.04 ± 3.82 for control vs Cs+ respectively, p=0.99, t(7)=0.001, Student’s paired-sample t-test, n=8) and thalamic (LGN, right; 29.31 ± 3.68 vs. 40.11 ± 3.95 for control vs Cs+ respectively, p=0.01, t(10)=- 2.95, Student’s paired-sample t-test, n=11) sources.