Bend2Δ11/y males display minor recombination defects. (A) Chromosomal synapsis in spermatocytes. Representative images of SYCP3 and SYCP1 staining in spermatocyte nuclei from the stages shown (left). Meiotic prophase staging of spermatocytes (right). L: leptotene, Z: zygotene, P: pachytene, D: diplotene. The columns and lines indicate the mean and SD. N=4, *p=0.019 One-Way ANOVA. (B) Examination of DSBs in Bend2Δ11/y spermatocytes. Representative images of ϒH2AX staining in spermatocyte nuclei along meiotic prophase (left). Increased ϒH2AX signals are detected during late prophase in Bend2Δ11/y spermatocyte (white arrowhead). Quantification of ϒH2AX patches in spermatocyte nuclei per sub-stages (right). The patches were counted manually using the same method for every pair of control and mutant mice. From left to right, N=76/74, 86/83, 73/75, and 78/81, ***p=0.0001 (late pachytene) and 0.0007 (early diplotene), *p=0.0222 t-test. Analysis of RPA (C) and RAD51(D) foci counts in control and Bend2Δ11/y spermatocytes. RPA and RAD51foci were counted using ImageJ with the same method for every Bend2+/y and Bend2Δ11/y mice pair. From left to right, N=44/43, 51/43, 59/46, 45/39, 81/77, and 48/43, **p=0.0015 for RPA quantification; N=52/43, 42/46, 44/46, 51/45, 77/73, and 45/49, *p=0.0428 and ***p=0.0002 for RAD51 quantification; t-test. C) Examination of CO formation in Bend2Δ11/y spermatocytes. Representative images of MLH1 in control and mutant spermatocyte nuclei (left). Quantification of MLH1 foci in spermatocyte nuclei (right). Only spermatocytes containing ≥ 19 MLH1 foci/nucleus were counted. N=74 for Bend2+/y and 68 for Bend2Δ11/y, p>0.05 Mann-Whitney test. The horizontal lines represent mean ± SD (B-E). Scale bar, 10 µm.