Variability in turn frequency, but not D-V bias or Ω-δ bias, substantially affects exploratory propensity.
(A) Schematic illustration and population-average statistics of the three random variables that govern spontaneous sharp turns: (left) the turn frequency, ζ; (center) the dorsal turn probability P(D), a measure of D-V bias in sharp turn orientation; (right) the δ-turn probability P(δ|V), a measure of Ω-δ bias for ventral turns. The most common turn type is an Ω-turn in the ventral direction. (B-D) Distribution across the population of the three random variables ζ (B), P (D) (C), and P (δ | V) (D) indicate substantial variability across individuals. Blue bars represent statistics for individual measured trajectories, and orange bars are from Monte Carlo simulations assuming all individuals are sampled from a population with identical parameters for the corresponding random variable (see Methods). (E-G) Relationship between the trajectory persistence length P, a measure of exploratory propensity, and the three random variables ζ (F), P (D) (G), and P (δ | V) (H). P demonstrates a substantial negative correlation with the sharp turn rate ζ (−0.59 ± 0.12, 95% CI; p ≤ 7.7 · 10−11), but its correlation with D-V bias and Ω-δ bias was, respectively, insignificant (−0. 13 ±0.25, 95% CI; p ≤ 2. 1 · 10−1) and marginally significant (−0.20 ± 0. 14, 95% CI, p ≤ 4.2 · 10−2). Indicated p-values were computed using a t-test assuming a two-tailed probability.
Figure 3—figure supplement 1. Interval distribution of spontaneous turns.
Figure 3—figure supplement 2. Variability across worms compared to random resampling.
Figure 3—figure supplement 3. Variance attributed to individual experience and batch effects.
Figure 3—figure supplement 4. Mean-squared displacement of individual worms and population average.