The effect of XRN1 knockdown on RNA shortening.
a) Immunoblot for XRN1, eIF2α-P and eIF2α for cells transfected with a mock (siCTRL) or XRN1-targeting siRNA. ACTB is used as control. b) Cumulative distribution plot of transcript length for XRN1 knockdown (siXRN1) and control (siCTRL) in arsenite-treated cells. c) Same as (b) but only reads with ligated 5’ end adaptor are used. d) Scatter plots of average transcript length for arsenite-treated cells transfected with mock and XRN1-targeting siRNA stratified by their differential expression change. Down-regulated: (-Inf, -0.5), Unchanged: (−0.5, 0.5), Up-regulated (0.5, Inf) fold-change. Only transcripts with at least 5 aligned reads are shown. Red dotted indicates the y=x line. Color indicates transcripts below (blue) and above (orange) the diagonal. e) Box plots of differential transcript length in arsenite-treated versus unstressed cells for significantly and non-significantly shortened transcripts in XRN1 knockdown and control.