RNA shortening upon cellular stress.
a) Schematic of experimental design b) Volcano plot for the differential expression of arsenite-treated and unstressed cells. Green color indicates genes with more than 2-fold difference and red indicates statistical significance higher than 10−5. c) Cumulative distribution of read length for arsenite-treated and unstressed cells. d) Scatter plots of average transcript length for arsenite-treated and unstressed cells stratified by their differential expression change. Down-regulated: (-Inf, -0.5), Unchanged: (−0.5, 0.5), Up-regulated (0.5, Inf) fold-change. Only transcripts with at least 5 aligned reads are shown. Red dotted indicates the y=x line. Color indicates transcripts below (blue) and above (orange) the diagonal. e) Cumulative distribution of transcript length for arsenite-treated and unstressed cells using only reads with adaptor ligated at the 5’ end. f) Schematic of read meta-length calculation. Each annotated transcript is divided into 20 equally sized bins. Each read is then assigned meta-coordinates depending on the bin in which its 5’ and 3’ templated ends align. The read meta-length is calculated as the difference of the meta-coordinates and presented as a percentage of full length. g) Scatter plot of average transcript meta-length for arsenite-treated and unstressed cells. Coloring is the same as (d) h) Scatter plot of average transcript length for heat shock and unstressed cells.