GnRH induces a synchronized increase of calcium in all LH cells.
(A)Top: Image of a dissected head with pituitary exposed from the ventral side of the fish used for the ex vivo assays (OB, olfactory bulb; OC, optic chiasm; PIT, pituitary; TH, thalamus; MO, medulla oblongata). Bottom: A diagram describing the ex vivo setup with a constant flow of artificial cerebrospinal fluid (ACSF), a side tube to inject stimuli, and a collecting tube. (B) A representative analysis of basal calcium activity of LH and FSH cells. The left panel is a heatmap of calcium traces (ΔF/F), where each line represents a cell, with the mean calcium trace on top, the separated line at the bottom of each heatmap is the calcium trace of the chosen ROI. The color-coded data points on the right are superimposed on the imaged cells and represent the maximum cross-correlation coefficient between a calcium trace of an active chosen ROI to those of the rest of the cells in the same population, matrix on the right represent the maximum cross-correlation coefficient values between all the cells. LH cells exhibited short calcium rises that were correlated between small groups of neighbouring cells (see supplementary fig. 3), whereas short, unorganized calcium transients were observed in FSH cells (see supplementary fig. 2 for additional cell activity parameters). (C) An analysis of calcium response to GnRH stimulation in two representative imaging sessions. In all LH cells, a significant calcium rise was highly correlated. In 5/10 fish, a similar response to the stimulus was seen in FSH cells (see supplementary fig. 4 for detailed coefficient values distribution in each fish), albeit with lower calcium intensities and coefficient values (e.g., Fish 1), whereas in the other 5 fish FSH cells did not respond at all (e.g., Fish 2). (D) The mean of Max cross-correlation coefficient values in each cell type under each treatment (see supplementary fig. 4 for detailed coefficient values distribution in each fish) reveal that only LH cells are significantly affected by GnRH stimuli (n=10, 3 males, 7 females, one-way ANOVA, **** p<0.0001). (E) The percentage of cells responsive to GnRH stimulus (i.e., coefficient values higher than the 80 percentiles of basal values) is significantly higher in LH cells compared to FSH cells. Each dot represents one fish (n=10, 3 males, 7 females, unpaired t-test, *** p<0.001).