Homeostatic synaptic normalization optimizes learning in network models of neural population codes

  1. Department of Brain Sciences, Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot 76100, Israel

Peer review process

Not revised: This Reviewed Preprint includes the authors’ original preprint (without revision), an eLife assessment, public reviews, and a response from the authors (if available).

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  • Reviewing Editor
    Tatyana Sharpee
    Salk Institute for Biological Studies, La Jolla, United States of America
  • Senior Editor
    Panayiota Poirazi
    FORTH Institute of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology, Heraklion, Greece

Reviewer #1 (Public Review):


A novel statistical model of neural population activity called the Random Projection model has been recently proposed. Not only is this model accurate, efficient, and scalable, but also is naturally implemented as a shallow neural network. This work proposes a new class of RP model called the reshaped RP model. Inheriting the virtue of the original RP model, the proposed model is more accurate and efficient than the original, as well as compatible with various biological constraints. In particular, the authors have demonstrated that normalizing the total synaptic input in the reshaped model has a homeostatic effect on the firing rates of the neurons, resulting in even more efficient representations with equivalent computational accuracy. These results suggest that synaptic normalization contributes to synaptic homeostasis as well as efficiency in neural encoding.

This paper demonstrates that the accuracy and efficiency of the random projection models can be improved by extending the model with reshaped projections. Furthermore, it broadens the applicability of the model under biological constraints of synaptic regularization. It also suggests the advantage of the sparse connectivity structure over the fully connected model for modeling spiking statistics. In summary, this work successfully integrates two different elements, statistical modeling of the spikes and synaptic homeostasis in a single biologically plausible neural network model. The authors logically demonstrate their arguments with clear visual presentations and well-structured text, facilitating an unambiguous understanding for readers.

It would be helpful if the following issues about the major claims of the manuscript could be expanded and/or clarified:

(1) We find it interesting that the reshaped model showed decreased firing rates of the projection neurons. We note that maximizing the entropy <-ln p(x)> with a regularizing term -\lambda <\sum _i f(x_i)>, which reflects the mean firing rate, results in \lambda _i = \lambda for all i in the Boltzmann distribution. In other words, in addition to the homeostatic effect of synaptic normalization which is shown in Figures 3B-D, setting all \lambda_i = 1 itself might have a homeostatic effect on the firing rates. It would be better if the contribution of these two homeostatic effects be separated. One suggestion is to verify the homeostatic effect of synaptic normalization by changing the value of \lambda.

(2) As far as we understand, \theta_i (thresholds of the neurons) are fixed to 1 in the article. Optimizing the neural threshold as well as synaptic weights is a natural procedure (both biologically and engineeringly), and can easily be computed by a similar expression to that of a_ij (equation 3). Do the results still hold when changing \theta _i is allowed as well? For example,

a. If \theta _i becomes larger, the mean firing rates will decrease. Does the backprop model still have higher firing rates than the reshaped model when \theta _i are also optimized?

b. Changing \theta _i affects the dynamic range of the projection neurons, thus could modify the effect of synaptic constraints. In particular, does it affect the performance of the bounded model (relative to the homeostatic input models)?

(3) In Figure 1, the authors claim that the reshaped RP model outperforms the RP model. This improved performance might be partly because the reshaped RP model has more parameters to be optimized than the RP model. Indeed, let the number of projections N and the in-degree of the projections K, then the RP model and the reshaped RP model have N and KN parameters, respectively. Does the reshaped model still outperform the original one when only (randomly chosen) N weights (out of a_ij) are allowed to be optimized and the rest is fixed? (or, does it still outperform the original model with the same number of optimized parameters (i.e. N/K neurons)?)

(4) In Figure 2, the authors have demonstrated that the homeostatic synaptic normalization outperforms the bounded model when the allowed synaptic cost is small. One possible hypothesis for explaining this fact is that the optimal solution lies in the region where only a small number of |a_ij| is large and the rest is near 0. If it is possible to verify this idea by, for example, exhibiting the distribution of a_ij after optimization, it would help the readers to better understand the mechanism behind the superiority of the homeostatic input model.

(5) In Figures 5D and 5E, the authors present how different reshaping constraints result in different learning processes ("rotation"). We find these results quite intriguing, but it would help the readers understand them if there is more explanation or interpretation. For example,

a. In the "Reshape - Hom. circuit 4.0" plot (Fig 5D, upper-left), the rotation angle between the two models is almost always the same. This is reasonable since the Homeostatic Circuit model is the least constrained model and could be almost irrelevant to the optimization process. Is there any similar interpretation to the other 3 plots of Figure 5D?

b. In Figure 5E, is there any intuitive explanation for why the three models take minimum rotation angle at similar global synaptic cost (~0.3)?

  1. Howard Hughes Medical Institute
  2. Wellcome Trust
  3. Max-Planck-Gesellschaft
  4. Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation