Scaling of the mPFC sequential activity by duration at individual trial resolution.
A. The definition and examples of start (purple), duration (blue) and end (yellow) - coding cells. To define a cell’s coding identity, we calculated the correlation between its activity and the specific event (middle diagrams), and compared to the null distribution generated from shuffled data from the same cell (bottom graphs). Statistical significance was determined if the actual correlation fell into the right 95th percentiles of the null distribution (shaded areas). Top panels show calcium activities from representative coding cells. Trials were sorted in ascending total durations. Yellow bars indicate the start and end of the nose poking event.
B. The proportion of cell coding types in the observed neurons from 5 rats in the long3 session.
C. Quantification of SVM classifiers in predicting the nose-poking state using neuron activities from the start and end cells, from the long3 session. Two-tailed t test, ****: p<0.0001, n = 5 rats.
D. Representative actual nose poking events and predicted events using SVM models.
E. Three examples of duration cell with their raw traces (top panels) and traces in normalized time (middle panels). Yellow bars indicate the start and end of the nose poking event. Bottom panels show nose poking periods and averaged traces in normalized time scale.
F. Traces of averaged activity of all recorded duration cells in 5 rats, sorted by the ascending peak position in the normalized time.
G. Quantification of the peak entropy on the trial-average calcium traces as a measure of sequentiality. Two-tailed t test, **: p<0.01, n = 5 rats.
H. Representative rainbow plot of the activity peak position ranks from duration cells in one session. Each color indicates an individual duration cell and the x-axis is sorted by the order of each cell’s peak activity appearance on individual trials.
I-J. Representative results of predicted trial progression and actual trial progression by a GPR model fitted from duration cells activity in one session. Results are plotted in individual trials (I) and averaged trial (J). Results are represented as mean ± S.D.
K. Quantification of the GPR model performance. Each dot indicates averaged RMSE from one rat. Models were trained using duration cells or start and end cells activities, with raw calcium traces or extracted peaks. Data are represented as medium ± S.D. One-way ANOVA test with Dunnett’s multiple comparisons post-hoc test, ****: p<0.0001, **: p<0.01, n.s.: not significant, n = 5 rats.