Spatially periodic firing of grid cells in 2-D space emerges from a neural sequence code of trajectories
A, Schematic drawing of a 1 x 1 m2 environment surrounded by walls in the presence of a single visual cue card. B, Trajectory plot visualizing grid cell spiking activity as a function of the animal’s location in space. Data obtained from the medial entorhinal cortex of a freely foraging mouse42,75. The black line indicates the path taken by the animal. Red dots indicate the locations where action potentials (spikes) were generated by the grid cell. C, Firing rate map of the spiking data shown in A. Data are visualized as 3 x 3 cm2 spatial bins, smoothed with a Gaussian kernel. Red and blue colors indicate high and low firing rates. Peak and average firing rates are 15 and 1.9 Hz. D, Spatial autocorrelogram of the data shown in B. Red and blue colors indicate high and low correlation values. E, The animal’s current position and velocity determine the animal’s trajectory. In a sequence code, directions are represented by pairs of sequentially active cell assemblies with non-overlapping cellular composition. We refer to the individual members in a set of completely distinct cell assemblies as units. The red circle represents the currently active unit. The next active unit in the sequence code is uniquely determined by the currently active cell and the velocity vector (Definition 8). N = North, NE = Northeast, NW = Northwest, W = West, SW = Southwest, and SE = Southeast. F, Units’ firing fields that surround each other symmetrically in a hexagonal lattice packing allow for equal angular resolution in the coding of trajectories by cell sequences. Colors represent distinct units. G, If a units’ firing field was surrounded by fewer or more than six firing fields that touched each other, opposite directions would not be represented at the same angular resolution. In this example, east ◊ west cannot be distinguished from east ◊ northwest and east ◊ southwest because the three directions are represented by the same sequence of units, yellow ◊ red. However, the opposite direction, west ◊ east, is represented by three different cell sequences allowing for a finer angular resolution in the representation of traveling direction. H, Example of possible pairs of units creating a sequence code. If the sequence code shall represent all directions with equal angular resolution, the cellular composition of sequentially active cell assemblies needs to be completely distinct every 60 degrees (E and F). Possible representations of velocity vectors by sequences of two units are shown for when the currently active unit is #1 or #2. Numbers within circles identify distinct units. I, Example of a complete sequence code that uniquely represents all directions at 60 degrees resolution as a function of the currently active unit and the traveling direction. J, Sequential activation of seven distinct units can code for infinitively long trajectories along all three major axes of a hexagonal lattice. K, The same sequential activation map as in I and J but plotted in 2-D space. Note that the firing fields of individual units form grid maps in 2-D space, as highlighted in grey for unit #1.