Mutant and isogenic control iMacs have distinct gene expression profiles
A and D) PCA analysis, B and E) volcano plots and C and F) GO analysis, of mutant and isogenic iMacs derived from HD1 and HD2 differentially expressed genes (DEGs) respectively. Representative curve of ECAR (G, O) and their respective quantified data (H-J, P-R) are shown. Representative curve of OCR (K, S) and their respective quantified data (L-N, T-V) are shown. Real-time assessment of bioenergetic profile between mutant and isogenic HD1 iMacs, measured using extracellular flux assay and a mitochondrial stress test. The following glycolytic parameters were calculated based on ECAR: B) glycolysis, C) glycolytic capacity, D) glycolytic reserve. Data shown as means + SEM, n=9. The following parameters were calculated based on OCR: F) basal, G) ATP production and H) maximal respiration. 2-DG = 2-deoxy-glucose, FCCP = carbonyl cyanide 4-trifluoromethoxy-phenylhydrazone. (n=3) Data are presented as mean ± SEM.