Thymic dendritic cell-derived IL-27p28 promotes the establishment of functional bias against IFN-γ production in newly generated CD4+ T cells through STAT1-related epigenetic mechanisms

  1. Department of Immunology, School of Basic Medical Sciences, NHC Key Laboratory of Medical Immunology, Medicine Innovation Center for Fundamental Research on Major Immunology-related Diseases, Peking University, Beijing, China
  2. Institute of Life Sciences, Jinzhou Medical University, Jinzhou, Liaoning Province, China

Peer review process

Not revised: This Reviewed Preprint includes the authors’ original preprint (without revision), an eLife assessment, public reviews, and a provisional response from the authors.

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  • Reviewing Editor
    Juan Carlos Zúñiga-Pflücker
    University of Toronto, Sunnybrook Research Institute, Toronto, Canada
  • Senior Editor
    Carla Rothlin
    Yale University, New Haven, United States of America

Reviewer #1 (Public Review):


Zhang et al. demonstrate that CD4+ single positive (SP) thymocytes, CD4+ recent thymic emigrants (RTE), and CD4+ T naive (Tn) cells from Cd11c-p28-flox mice, which lack IL-27p28 selectively in Cd11c+ cells, exhibit a hyper-Th1 phenotype instead of the expected hyper Th2 phenotype. Using IL-27R-deficient mice, the authors confirm that this hyper-Th1 phenotype is due to IL-27 signaling via IL-27R, rather than the effects of monomeric IL-27p28. They also crossed Cd11c-p28-flox mice with autoimmune-prone Aire-deficient mice and showed that both T cell responses and tissue pathology are enhanced, suggesting that SP, RTE, and Tn cells from Cd11c-p28-flox mice are poised to become Th1 cells in response to self-antigens. Regarding mechanism, the authors demonstrate that SP, RTE, and Tn cells from Cd11c-p28-flox mice have reduced DNA methylation at the IFN-g and Tbx21 loci, indicating 'de-repression', along with enhanced histone tri-methylation at H3K4, indicating a 'permissive' transcriptional state. They also find evidence for enhanced STAT1 activity, which is relevant given the well-established role of STAT1 in promoting Th1 responses, and surprising given IL-27 is a potent STAT1 activator. This latter finding suggests that the Th1-inhibiting property of thymic IL-27 may not be due to direct effects on the T cells themselves.


Overall the data presented are high quality and the manuscript is well-reasoned and composed. The basic finding - that thymic IL-27 production limits the Th1 potential of SP, RTE, and Tn cells - is both unexpected and well described.


A credible mechanistic explanation, cellular or molecular, is lacking. The authors convincingly affirm the hyper-Th1 phenotype at epigenetic level but it remains unclear whether the observed changes reflect the capacity of IL-27 to directly elicit epigenetic remodeling in developing thymocytes or knock-on effects from other cell types which, in turn, elicit the epigenetic changes (presumably via cytokines). The authors propose that increased STAT1 activity is a driving force for the epigenetic changes and resultant hyper-Th1 phenotype. That conclusion is logical given the data at hand but the alternative hypothesis - that the hyper-STAT1 response is just a downstream consequence of the hyper-Th1 phenotype - remains equally likely. Thus, while the discovery of a new anti-inflammatory function for IL-27 within the thymus is compelling, further mechanistic studies are needed to advance the finding beyond phenomenology.

Reviewer #2 (Public Review):


Naïve CD4 T cells in CD11c-Cre p28-floxed mice express highly elevated levels of proinflammatory IFNg and the transcription factor T-bet. This phenotype turned out to be imposed by thymic dendritic cells (DCs) during CD4SP T cell development in the thymus [PMID: 23175475]. The current study affirms these observations, first, by developmentally mapping the IFNg dysregulation to newly generated thymic CD4SP cells [PMID: 23175475], second, by demonstrating increased STAT1 activation being associated with increased T-bet expression in CD11c-Cre p28-floxed CD4 T cells [PMID: 36109504], and lastly, by confirming IL-27 as the key cytokine in this process [PMID: 27469302]. The authors further demonstrate that such dysregulated cytokine expression is specific to the Th1 cytokine IFNg, without affecting the expression of the Th2 cytokine IL-4, thus proposing a role for thymic DC-derived p28 in shaping the cytokine response of newly generated CD4 helper T cells. Mechanistically, CD4SP cells of CD11c-Cre p28-floxed mice were found to display epigenetic changes in the Ifng and Tbx21 gene loci that were consistent with increased transcriptional activities of IFNg and T-bet mRNA expression. Moreover, in autoimmune Aire-deficiency settings, CD11c-Cre p28-floxed CD4 T cells still expressed significantly increased amounts of IFNg, exacerbating the autoimmune response and disease severity. Based on these results, the investigators propose a model where thymic DC-derived IL-27 is necessary to suppress IFNg expression by CD4SP cells and thus would impose a Th2-skewed predisposition of newly generated CD4 T cells in the thymus, potentially relevant in autoimmunity.


Experiments are well-designed and executed. The conclusions are convincing and supported by the experimental results.


The premise of the current study is confusing as it tries to use the CD11c-p28 floxed mouse model to explain the Th2-prone immune profile of newly generated CD4SP thymocytes. Instead, it would be more helpful to (1) give full credit to the original study which already described the proinflammatory IFNg+ phenotype of CD4 T cells in CD11c-p28 floxed mice to be mediated by thymic dendritic cells [PMID: 23175475], and then, (2) build on that to explain that this study is aimed to understand the molecular basis of the original finding.

In its essence, this study mostly rediscovers and reaffirms previously reported findings, but with different tools. While the mapping of epigenetic changes in the IFNg and T-bet gene loci and the STAT1 gene signature in CD4SP cells are interesting, these are expected results, and they only reaffirm what would be assumed from the literature. Thus, there is only incremental gain in new insights and information on the role of DC-derived IL-27 in driving the Th1 phenotype of CD4SP cells in CD11c-p28 floxed mice.

Altogether, the major issues of this study remain unresolved:

(1) It is still unclear why the p28-deficiency in thymic dendritic cells would result in increased STAT1 activation in CD4SP cells. Based on their in vitro experiments with blocking anti-IFNg antibodies, the authors conclude that it is unlikely that the constitutive activation of STAT1 would be a secondary effect due to autocrine IFNg production by CD4SP cells. However, this possibility should be further tested with in vivo models, such as Ifng-deficient CD11c-p28 floxed mice. Alternatively, is this an indirect effect by other IFNg producers in the thymus, such as iNKT cells? It is necessary to explain what drives the STAT1 activation in CD11c-p28 floxed CD4SP cells in the first place.

(2) It is also unclear whether CD4SP cells are the direct targets of IL-27 p28. The cell-intrinsic effects of IL-27 p28 signaling in CD4SP cells should be assessed and demonstrated, ideally by CD4SP-specific deletion of IL-27Ra, or by establishing bone marrow chimeras of IL-27Ra germline KO mice.

Author response:

Reviewer #1 (Public Review):


Zhang et al. demonstrate that CD4+ single positive (SP) thymocytes, CD4+ recent thymic emigrants (RTE), and CD4+ T naive (Tn) cells from Cd11c-p28-flox mice, which lack IL-27p28 selectively in Cd11c+ cells, exhibit a hyper-Th1 phenotype instead of the expected hyper Th2 phenotype. Using IL-27R-deficient mice, the authors confirm that this hyper-Th1 phenotype is due to IL-27 signaling via IL-27R, rather than the effects of monomeric IL-27p28. They also crossed Cd11c-p28-flox mice with autoimmune-prone Aire-deficient mice and showed that both T cell responses and tissue pathology are enhanced, suggesting that SP, RTE, and Tn cells from Cd11c-p28-flox mice are poised to become Th1 cells in response to self-antigens. Regarding mechanism, the authors demonstrate that SP, RTE, and Tn cells from Cd11c-p28-flox mice have reduced DNA methylation at the IFN-g and Tbx21 loci, indicating 'de-repression', along with enhanced histone tri-methylation at H3K4, indicating a 'permissive' transcriptional state. They also find evidence for enhanced STAT1 activity, which is relevant given the well-established role of STAT1 in promoting Th1 responses, and surprising given IL-27 is a potent STAT1 activator. This latter finding suggests that the Th1-inhibiting property of thymic IL-27 may not be due to direct effects on the T cells themselves.


Overall the data presented are high quality and the manuscript is well-reasoned and composed. The basic finding - that thymic IL-27 production limits the Th1 potential of SP, RTE, and Tn cells - is both unexpected and well described.


A credible mechanistic explanation, cellular or molecular, is lacking. The authors convincingly affirm the hyper-Th1 phenotype at epigenetic level but it remains unclear whether the observed changes reflect the capacity of IL-27 to directly elicit epigenetic remodeling in developing thymocytes or knock-on effects from other cell types which, in turn, elicit the epigenetic changes (presumably via cytokines). The authors propose that increased STAT1 activity is a driving force for the epigenetic changes and resultant hyper-Th1 phenotype. That conclusion is logical given the data at hand but the alternative hypothesis - that the hyper-STAT1 response is just a downstream consequence of the hyper-Th1 phenotype - remains equally likely. Thus, while the discovery of a new anti-inflammatory function for IL-27 within the thymus is compelling, further mechanistic studies are needed to advance the finding beyond phenomenology.

Thanks for the comments. Following the suggestions of the reviewer, further studies will be performed to test whether developing thymocytes are the direct targets of IL-27 using Cd4-IL-27ra knockout mice or mixed bone marrow chimeras of wildtype and IL-27ra knockout cells.

To address the potential autocrine loop in the STAT1 hyperactivation, we added IFN-γ antibody into CD4+ T cell cultures and saw no obvious impact on STAT1 phosphorylation. If deemed necessary, we could further test this possibility in vivo using Cd4-Ifng and CD11c-p28 double knockout mice.

The detailed mechanisms underlying the hyperactivation of STAT1 remain to be determined. IL-27p28 has recently been shown to act as an antagonist of gp130-mediated signaling. In addition, structural studies have demonstrated that IL-27p28 has the interface with EBI3, as well as the two receptor subunits IL-27Rα and gp130. Taken into consideration of these findings and the fact that p28 and IL-27ra deficiency exhibits similar phenotype, we speculate that deficiency in either p28 or IL-27ra makes more gp130 available to transduce signals elicited by other cytokines. We will next focus on gp130 related cytokines to search for the candidate(s) which ultimately leads to enhanced STAT1 activation in the absence of p28. Alternatively, release of EBI3 in the absence of p28 may facilitate its coupling with other cytokine subunits. IL-35, which is composed of EBI3 and p35, is of particular interest as IL-27Rα is also involved in its signaling.

To narrow down the candidate cytokines, we will first examine the expression of IL-35 and gp130 related cytokines, including IL-6, IL-11, LIF, CT1, OSM, IL-31, CLCF1, CNTF in the thymus and thymocyte-depleted thymic stromal cells by mining public databases and by RT-PCR. Similarly, CD4+ thymocytes will be examined for the expression of receptor subunits which can couple with gp130, including IL-6R, IL-11R, LIFR, OSMRβ, IL-31Rα, CNTFRα, IL-23R, and IL-12Rβ2.

We next will select those cytokines expressed in the thymus or thymic stromal cells with cognate receptor expression in CD4+ thymocytes and test their effect on STAT1 phosphorylation of wildtype and p28-deficient CD4+ thymocytes. If deemed necessary, double knockout mice will be engaged to rescue the hyper-Th1 phenotype.

Reviewer #2 (Public Review):


Naïve CD4 T cells in CD11c-Cre p28-floxed mice express highly elevated levels of proinflammatory IFNg and the transcription factor T-bet. This phenotype turned out to be imposed by thymic dendritic cells (DCs) during CD4SP T cell development in the thymus [PMID: 23175475]. The current study affirms these observations, first, by developmentally mapping the IFNg dysregulation to newly generated thymic CD4SP cells [PMID: 23175475], second, by demonstrating increased STAT1 activation being associated with increased T-bet expression in CD11c-Cre p28-floxed CD4 T cells [PMID: 36109504], and lastly, by confirming IL-27 as the key cytokine in this process [PMID: 27469302]. The authors further demonstrate that such dysregulated cytokine expression is specific to the Th1 cytokine IFNg, without affecting the expression of the Th2 cytokine IL-4, thus proposing a role for thymic DC-derived p28 in shaping the cytokine response of newly generated CD4 helper T cells. Mechanistically, CD4SP cells of CD11c-Cre p28-floxed mice were found to display epigenetic changes in the Ifng and Tbx21 gene loci that were consistent with increased transcriptional activities of IFNg and T-bet mRNA expression. Moreover, in autoimmune Aire-deficiency settings, CD11c-Cre p28-floxed CD4 T cells still expressed significantly increased amounts of IFNg, exacerbating the autoimmune response and disease severity. Based on these results, the investigators propose a model where thymic DC-derived IL-27 is necessary to suppress IFNg expression by CD4SP cells and thus would impose a Th2-skewed predisposition of newly generated CD4 T cells in the thymus, potentially relevant in autoimmunity.


Experiments are well-designed and executed. The conclusions are convincing and supported by the experimental results.


The premise of the current study is confusing as it tries to use the CD11c-p28 floxed mouse model to explain the Th2-prone immune profile of newly generated CD4SP thymocytes. Instead, it would be more helpful to (1) give full credit to the original study which already described the proinflammatory IFNg+ phenotype of CD4 T cells in CD11c-p28 floxed mice to be mediated by thymic dendritic cells [PMID: 23175475], and then, (2) build on that to explain that this study is aimed to understand the molecular basis of the original finding. In its essence, this study mostly rediscovers and reaffirms previously reported findings, but with different tools. While the mapping of epigenetic changes in the IFNg and T-bet gene loci and the STAT1 gene signature in CD4SP cells are interesting, these are expected results, and they only reaffirm what would be assumed from the literature. Thus, there is only incremental gain in new insights and information on the role of DC-derived IL-27 in driving the Th1 phenotype of CD4SP cells in CD11c-p28 floxed mice.

Indeed, the present study is based on the finding of enhanced IFN-γ production by CD4+ T cells from CD11c-p28 floxed mice, which was originally reported by Zhang et al. and repeatedly cited in the our manuscript. We revisited this phenomenon in the context of functional bias of newly generated CD4+ T cells and sought to reveal the mechanisms underlying the hyper-Th1 phenotype in the absence of thymic DC-derived IL-27. We showed that deletion of p28 resulted in an unexpected hyperactivation of STAT1, which was accompanied by epigenetic changes in favor of Th1 bias. However, the gap remains between p28 deficiency and STAT1 activation.

Altogether, the major issues of this study remain unresolved:

(1) It is still unclear why the p28-deficiency in thymic dendritic cells would result in increased STAT1 activation in CD4SP cells. Based on their in vitro experiments with blocking anti-IFNg antibodies, the authors conclude that it is unlikely that the constitutive activation of STAT1 would be a secondary effect due to autocrine IFNg production by CD4SP cells. However, this possibility should be further tested with in vivo models, such as Ifng-deficient CD11c-p28 floxed mice. Alternatively, is this an indirect effect by other IFNg producers in the thymus, such as iNKT cells? It is necessary to explain what drives the STAT1 activation in CD11c-p28 floxed CD4SP cells in the first place.

Thanks for the suggestions. Further studies will be performed to test the potential autocrine loop for IFN-γ production in vivo using Cd4-Ifng and CD11c-p28 double knockout mice. This model should also be helpful to exclude the possibility of indirect role of IFN- production by such cells as iNKT.

As pointed out by the reviewer, a critical unanswered question is what drives the STAT1 activation in CD11c-p28 floxed CD4SP cells. Several lines of evidence point to the possibility that p28 deficiency increases the responsiveness of developing thymocytes to STAT1-activating cytokines. Firstly, IL-27p28 has recently been shown to act as an antagonist of gp130-mediated signaling. Secondly, structural studies have demonstrated that IL-27p28 is centrally positioned in the complex formed with EBI3, as well as the two receptor subunits IL-27Rα and gp130. Thirdly, we observed similar hyper-Th1 phenotype in the absence of either p28 and IL-27ra. Therefore, it is speculated that more gp130 should be available to transduce signals elicited by other cytokines in such a scenario. We will next seek to determine the candidate cytokine(s) responsible for the enhanced STAT1 activation in the absence of p28 as outlined in the response to Reviewer 1.

(2) It is also unclear whether CD4SP cells are the direct targets of IL-27 p28. The cell-intrinsic effects of IL-27 p28 signaling in CD4SP cells should be assessed and demonstrated, ideally by CD4SP-specific deletion of IL-27Ra, or by establishing bone marrow chimeras of IL-27Ra germline KO mice.

Thanks for the suggestions. Further studies will be performed to test whether developing thymocytes are the direct targets of IL-27 using Cd4-IL-27ra knockout mice or mixed bone marrow chimeras of wildtype and IL-27ra knockout cells.

  1. Howard Hughes Medical Institute
  2. Wellcome Trust
  3. Max-Planck-Gesellschaft
  4. Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation