Mitochondrial respiration atlas reveals differential changes in mitochondrial function across sex and age

  1. Department of Physiology, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, Maryland, USA
  2. Center for Metabolism and Obesity Research, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore

Peer review process

Not revised: This Reviewed Preprint includes the authors’ original preprint (without revision), an eLife assessment, and public reviews.

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  • Reviewing Editor
    Marcus Seldin
    University of California, Irvine, Irvine, United States of America
  • Senior Editor
    Benoît Kornmann
    University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom

Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

In this study, Sarver and colleagues carried out an exhaustive analysis of the functioning of various components (Complex I/II/IV) of the mitochondrial electron transport chain (ETC) using a real-time cell metabolic analysis technique (commonly referred as Seahorse oxygen consumption rate (OCR) assay). The authors aimed to generate an atlas of ETC function in about 3 dozen tissue types isolated from all major mammalian organ systems. They used a recently published improvised method by which ETC function can be quantified in freshly frozen tissues. This method enabled them to collect data from almost all organ systems from the same mouse and use many biological replicates (10 mice/experiment) required for an unbiased and statistically robust analysis. Moreover, they studied the influence of sex (male and female) and aging (young adult and old age) on ETC function in these organ systems. The main findings of this study are (1) cells in the heart and kidneys have very active ETC complexes compared to other organ systems, (2) the sex of the mice has little influence on the ETC function, and (3) aging undermined the mitochondrial function in most tissue, but surprisingly in some tissue aging promoted the activity of ETC complexes (e.g., Quadriceps, plantaris muscle, and Diaphragm). Although this study provides a comprehensive outlook on the ETC function in various tissues, the main caveat is that it's too technical and descriptive. The authors didn't invest much effort in putting their findings in the context of the biological function of the tissue analyzed, i.e., some tissues might be more glycolytic than others and have low ETC activity. Also, it is unclear what slight changes in the activity of one or the other ETC complex mean in terms of mitochondrial ATP production. Likely, these small changes reported do not affect the mitochondrial respiration. With such a detailed dataset, the study falls short of deriving more functionally relevant conclusions about the heterogeneity of mitochondrial function in various tissues. In the current format, the readers get lost in the large amount of data presented in a technical manner. Also, it is highly recommended that all the raw data and the values be made available as an Excel sheet (or other user-friendly formats) as a resource to the community.

Major concerns

(1) In this study, the authors used the method developed by Acin-Perez and colleagues (EMBO J, 2020) to analyze ETC complex activities in mitochondria derived from the snap-frozen tissue samples. However, the preservation of cellular/mitochondrial integrity in different types of tissues after being snap-frozen was not validated. Additionally, the conservation of mitochondrial respiration in snap-frozen tissues might differ, especially in those derived from old mice. For example, quadriceps (young male/female), plantaris (young male/female), intestinal segments (duodenum), and pancreas preparations show almost no activity (nearly flat OCR in Seahorse assays). For such a comprehensive study, the author must at least validate those tissues where the OCR plots looked suboptimal with the mitochondrial preparations derived from the fresh tissue. Since aging has been identified as the most important effector in this study, it is essential to validate how aging affects respiration in various fresh frozen tissues. Such analysis will ensure that the results presented are not due to the differential preservation of the mitochondrial respiration in the frozen tissue. In addition, such validations will further strengthen the conclusions and promote the broad usability of this "new" method.

(2) In this study, the authors sampled the maximal activity of ETC complex I, II, and IV, but throughout the manuscript, they discussed the data in the context of mitochondrial function. However, it is unclear how the changes in CI, CII, and CIV activity affect overall mitochondrial function (if at all) and how small changes seen in the maximal activity of one or more complexes affect the efficiency and efficacy of ATP production (OxPhos). The authors report huge variability between the activity of different complexes - in some tissues all three complexes (CI, CII, and CIV) and often in others, just one complex was affected. For example, as presented in Figure 4, there is no difference in CI activity in the hippocampus and cerebellum, but there is a slight change in CII and CIV activity. In contrast, in heart atria, there is a change in the activity of CI but not in CII and CIV. However, the authors still suggest that there is a significant difference in mitochondrial activity (e.g., "Old males showed a striking increase in mitochondrial activity via CI in the heart atria....reduced mitochondrial respiration in the brain cortex..." - Lines 5-7, Page 9). Until and unless a clear justification is provided, the authors should not make these broad claims on mitochondrial respiration based on small changes in the activity of one or more complexes (CI/CII/CIV). With such a data-heavy and descriptive study, it is confusing to track what is relevant and what is not for the functioning of mitochondria.

(3) What do differences in the ETC complex CI, CII, and CIV activity in the same tissue mean? What role does the differential activity of these complexes (CI, CII, and CIV) play in mitochondrial function? What do changes in Oxphos mean for different tissues? Does that mean the tissue (cells involved) shift more towards glycolysis to derive their energy? In the best world, a few experiments related to the glycolytic state of the cells would have been ideal to solidify their finding further. The authors could have easily used ECAR measurements for some tissues to support their key conclusions.

(4) The authors further analyzed parameters that significantly changed across their study (Figure 7, 98 data points analyzed). The main caveat of such analysis is that some tissue types would be represented three or even more times (due to changes in the activity of all three complexes - CI, CII, and CIV, and across different ages and sexes), and some just once. Such a method of analysis will skew the interpretation towards a few over-represented organ/tissue systems. Perhaps the authors should separately analyze tissue where all three complexes are affected from those with just one affected complex.

(5) The current protocol does not provide cell-type-specific resolution and will be unable to identify the cellular source of mitochondrial respiration. This becomes important, especially for those organ systems with tremendous cellular heterogeneity, such as the brain. The authors should discuss whether the observed changes result from an altered mitochondria respiratory capacity or if changes in proportions of cell types in the different conditions studied (young vs. aged) might also contribute to differential mitochondrial respiration.

(6) Another critical concern of this study is that the same datasets were repeatedly analyzed and reanalyzed throughout the study with almost the same conclusion - namely, aging affects mitochondrial function, and sex-specific differences are limited to very few organs. Although this study has considerable potential, the authors missed the chance to add new insights into the distinct characteristics of mitochondrial activity in various tissue and organ systems. The author should invest significant efforts in putting their data in the context of mitochondrial function.

Reviewer #2 (Public Review):


The authors utilize a new technique to measure mitochondrial respiration from frozen tissue extracts, which goes around the historical problem of purifying mitochondria prior to analysis, a process that requires a fair amount of time and cannot be easily scaled up.


A comprehensive analysis of mitochondrial respiration across tissues, sexes, and two different ages provides foundational knowledge needed in the field.


While many of the findings are mostly descriptive, this paper provides a large amount of data for the community and can be used as a reference for further studies. As the authors suggest, this is a new atlas of mitochondrial function in mouse. The inclusion of a middle aged time point and a slightly older young point (3-6 months) would be beneficial to the study.

Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

The aim of the study was to map, a) whether different tissues exhibit different metabolic profiles (this is known already), what differences are found between female and male mice and how the profiles changes with age. In particular, the study recorded the activity of respirasomes, i.e. the concerted activity of mitochondrial respiratory complex chains consisting of CI+CIII2+CIV, CII+CIII2+CIV or CIV alone.

The strength is certainly the atlas of oxidative metabolism in the whole mouse body, the inclusion of the two different sexes and the comparison between young and old mice. The measurement was performed on frozen tissue, which is possible as already shown (Acin-Perez et al, EMBO J, 2020).


The assay reveals the maximum capacity of enzyme activity, which is an artificial situation and may differ from in vivo respiration, as the authors themselves discuss. The material used was a very crude preparation of cells containing mitochondria and other cytosolic compounds and organelles. Thus, the conditions are not well defined and the respiratory chain activity was certainly uncoupled from ATP synthesis. Preparation of more pure mitochondria and testing for coupling would allow evaluation of additional parameters: P/O ratios, feedback mechanism, basal respiration, and ATP-coupled respiration, which reflect in vivo conditions much better. The discussion is rather descriptive and cautious and could lead to some speculations about what could cause the differences in respiration and also what consequences these could have, or what certain changes imply.

Nevertheless, this study is an important step towards this kind of analysis.

  1. Howard Hughes Medical Institute
  2. Wellcome Trust
  3. Max-Planck-Gesellschaft
  4. Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation