Unraveling the impact of congenital deafness on individual brain organization

  1. Department of Neuroscience, Georgetown University Medical Center, Washington, DC, USA
  2. State Key Laboratory of Cognitive Neuroscience and Learning & IDG/McGovern Institute for Brain Research, Beijing Normal University, China
  3. Beijing Key Laboratory of Brain Imaging and Connectomics, Beijing Normal University, China
  4. Chinese Institute for Brain Research, Beijing, China

Peer review process

Not revised: This Reviewed Preprint includes the authors’ original preprint (without revision), an eLife assessment, and public reviews.

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  • Reviewing Editor
    Björn Herrmann
    Baycrest Hospital, Toronto, Canada
  • Senior Editor
    Andrew King
    University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom

Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

This experiment sought to determine what effect congenital/early-onset hearing loss (and associated delay in language onset) has on the degree of inter-individual variability in functional connectivity to the auditory cortex. Looking at differences in variability rather than group differences in mean connectivity itself represents an interesting addition to the existing literature. The sample of deaf individuals was large, and quite homogeneous in terms of age of hearing loss onset, which are considerable strengths of the work. The experiment appears well conducted and the results are certainly of interest. I do have some concerns with the way that the project has been conceptualized, which I share below.

The authors should provide careful working definitions of what exactly they think is occurring in the brain following sensory deprivation. Characterizing these changes as 'large-scale neural reorganization' and 'compensatory adaptation' gives the impression that the authors believe that there is good evidence in support of significant structural changes in the pathways between brain areas - a viewpoint that is not broadly supported (see Makin and Krakauer, 2023). The authors report changes in connectivity that amount to differences in coordinated patterns of BOLD signal across voxels in the brain; accordingly, their data could just as easily (and more parsimoniously) be explained by the unmasking of connections to the auditory cortex that are present in typically hearing individuals, but which are more obvious via MR in the absence of auditory inputs.

I found the argument that the deaf use a single modality to compensate for hearing loss, and that this might predict a more confined pattern of differential connectivity than had been previously observed in the blind to be poorly grounded. The authors themselves suggest throughout that hearing loss, per se, is likely to be driving the differences observed between deaf and typically-hearing individuals; accordingly, the suggestion that the modality in which intentional behavioral compensation takes place would have such a large-scale effect on observed patterns of connectivity seems out of line.

The analyses highlighting the areas observed to be differentially connected to the auditory cortex and areas observed to be more variable in their connectivity to the auditory cortex seem somewhat circular. If the authors propose hearing loss as a mechanism that drives this variability in connectivity, then it is reasonable to propose hypotheses about the directionality of these changes. One would anticipate this directionality to be common across participants and thus, these areas would emerge as the ones that are differently connected when compared to typically hearing folks.

While the authors describe collecting data on the etiology of hearing loss, hearing thresholds, device use, and rehabilitative strategies, these data do not appear in the manuscript, nor do they appear to have been included in models during data analysis. Since many of these factors might reasonably explain differences in connectivity to the auditory cortex, this seems like an omission.

Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

The paper has two main merits. Firstly, it documents a new and important characteristic of the re-organization of the brains of the deaf, namely its variability. The search for a well-defined set of functions for the deprived auditory cortex of the deaf has been largely unsuccessful, with several task-based approaches failing to deliver unanimous results. Now, one can understand why this was the case: most likely there isn't a fixed one well-defined set of functions supported by an identical set of areas in every subject, but rather a variety of functions supported by various regions. In addition, the paper extends the authors' previous findings from blind subjects to the deaf population. It demonstrates that the heightened variability of connectivity in the deprived brain is not exclusive to blindness, but rather a general principle that applies to other forms of deprivation. On a more general level, this paper shows how sensory input is a driver of the brain's reproducible organization.

The method and the statistics are sound, the figures are clear, and the paper is well-written. The sample size is impressively large for this kind of study.

The main weakness of the paper is not a weakness, but rather a suggestion on how to provide a stronger basis for the authors' claims and conclusions. I believe this paper could be strengthened by including in the analysis at least one of the already published deaf/hearing resting-state fMRI datasets (e.g. Andin and Holmer, Bonna et al., Ding et al.) to see if the effects hold across different deaf populations. The addition of a second dataset could strengthen the evidence and convincingly resolve the issue of whether delayed sign language acquisition causes an increase in individual differences in functional connectivity to/from Broca's area. Currently, the authors may not have enough statistical power to support their findings.

Secondly, the authors could more explicitly discuss the broad implications of what their results mean for our understanding of how the architecture of the brain is determined by the genetic blueprint vs. how it is determined by learning (page 9). There is currently a wave of strong evidence favoring a more "nativist" view of brain architecture, for example, face- and object- sensitive regions seem to be in place practically from birth (see e.g. Kosakowski et al., Current Biology, 2022). The current results show what is the role played by experience.

Reviewer #3 (Public Review):


This study focuses on changes in brain organization associated with congenital deafness. The authors investigate differences in functional connectivity (FC) and differences in the variability of FC. By comparing congenitally deaf individuals to individuals with normal hearing, and by further separating congenitally deaf individuals into groups of early and late signers, the authors can distinguish between changes in FC due to auditory deprivation and changes in FC due to late language acquisition. They find larger FC variability in deaf than normal-hearing individuals in temporal, frontal, parietal, and midline brain structures, and that FC variability is largely driven by auditory deprivation. They suggest that the regions that show a greater FC difference between groups also show greater FC variability.


- The manuscript is well written.

- The methods are clearly described and appropriate.

- Including the three different groups enables the critical contrasts distinguishing between different causes of FC variability changes.

- The results are interesting and novel.


- Analyses were conducted for task-based data rather than resting-state data. It was unclear whether groups differed in task performance. If congenitally deaf individuals found the task more difficult this could lead to changes in FC.

- No differences in overall activation between groups were reported. Activation differences between groups could lead to differences in FC. For example, lower activation may be associated with more noise in the data, which could translate to reduced FC.

- Figure 2B shows higher FC for congenitally deaf individuals than normal-hearing individuals in the insula, supplementary motor area, and cingulate. These regions are all associated with task effort. If congenitally deaf individuals found the task harder (lower performance), then activation in these regions could be higher, in turn, leading to FC. A study using resting-state data could possibly have provided a clearer picture.

- The correlation between the FC map and the FC variability map is 0.3. While significant using permutation testing, the correlation is low, and it is not clear how great the overlap is.

  1. Howard Hughes Medical Institute
  2. Wellcome Trust
  3. Max-Planck-Gesellschaft
  4. Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation