Imaging zebrafish neural tube development and single cell tracks of different fates.
(A) Schematic of ventral neural tube anatomy and pattern in zebrafish (partially adapted from Xiong et al., 2013). MFP, medial floor plate; LFP, lateral floor plate; pMN, motor neuron progenitors (MN, motor neurons); p2, V2 interneuron progenitors (V2, V2 interneurons).
(B) Labeling (at 8-16 cell stage) and imaging (at neural plate, neural keel and neural tube stages) scheme for acquiring three channels at the same time. The 405 laser in the first scan line excites the BFP cell tracking marker as well as converting Kaede(Green) to Kaede(Red). NC, notochord.
(C) Example data. Small circles on the image show manual segmentations generated on cells using GoFigure2 software. D-V, dorsal-ventral; A-P, anterior-posterior. Scale bar: 20µm.
(D) A pMN track in a mem-ebfp2, ptch2:kaede/olig2:gfp dataset. Circles in the cells show a 2D view of the spherical segmentations generated using GoFigure2 software.
(E) A LFP track in a h2b-ebfp2, ptch2:kaede/nkx2.2:mgfp dataset. Arrow indicates a sister cell of the centered track. Note that while this transgenic reporter has a membrane tag, the spherical segmentation is still capable of measuring the much weaker cytoplasmic fluorescent signal. See also Movie S1.