Pre-motor neuronal populations predictive of single-trial behavior.
A. Trials are time-warped to align stimulus and decision onsets before classifying the turn direction. Top: Time-warped tail curvatures for trials in which the fish performed leftward or rightward turns, on the left and right, respectively. Bottom: Trial-averaged and time-warped neuronal timeseries for 15,286 neurons during left and right turns. The neurons are sorted using the rastermap algorithm. A time window is swept across the stimulus and decision timepoints to train binary classification models to predict the turn direction from the associated neuronal dynamics.
B. Stimulus classification accuracy peaks after the onset of visual stimulation. The mean F score across n=7 larvae is used to assess the performance of 6-way multiclass classification of the presented visual stimulus as a function of warped time surrounding the stimulus onset (Stim.) and decision timepoint (Dec.). Shown is the mean ± 95% confidence interval of the F score for the best time window ending at the given timepoint (Data), compared to shuffled data in which the class labels are randomized. The black bar at the bottom indicates timepoints where the data have a significantly higher F score than the shuffled data (p<0.05, paired t-test).
C. Binary classification of responsiveness, whether or not the fish responds in a given trial, is significant throughout all time periods but accuracy peaks near movement initiation. As in panel B, except for binary classification of responsiveness. Nonresponsive trials are time-warped by randomly selecting a reaction time from the response trials and applying the same transformation.
D. (i) Turn direction classification accuracy is significantly higher than shuffled data across the entire time-warped interval, but peaks near movement initiation. As in panel B, except for binary classification of turn direction. (ii) Single trial classification of turn direction across larvae. The mean confusion matrix across n=7 larvae, which show an accuracy of 77 ± 4% (mean ± 95% confidence interval).
E. Single trial trajectories are separated based on responsiveness and turn direction. Shown are neural activity trajectories during single trials in an example larva projected onto the brain-wide neural dimensions that optimally separated turn direction and responsiveness.
F. Consistent trial-averaged trajectories across larvae. As in panel F, except for the trial-averaged responses for n=6 example larvae. For the one bold animal, timepoints across the trial are indicated by a circle for trial start, diamond for the decision timepoint, and an X for the trial end.
G. Real-time single-trial dynamics in an example larva. Along the turn direction neural projection, left and right trials are separated for many seconds before the decision timepoint, which is longer than the three second length of visual presentations. Activity along this dimension shows consistent ramping across trials approximately one second before movement.
H. Example turn direction neuronal ensemble. Shown are the coefficients for all neurons which showed significantly higher (one-tailed t-test, p<0.05) absolute coefficients in the real models compared to shuffled data in which the turn direction labels are randomly permuted.
I. Highly distributed encoding of turn direction across larvae. The percentage of significant turn direction neurons located with the four major brain regions (Tel – telencephalon, Tec – optic tectum, Cer – cerebellum, and Hind – hindbrain) are shown for n=10 larvae. There is no significant difference between the percentage of neurons across brain regions (p>0.05, paired t-test).
J. Example responsiveness neuronal ensemble. As in panel I, except for responsiveness. Shown are the coefficients for all neurons which showed significantly higher (one-tailed t-test, p<0.05) absolute coefficients in the real models compared to shuffled data in which the turn direction labels are randomly permuted.
K. Highly distributed encoding of responsiveness across larvae. As in panel J, except for responsiveness. The percentage of significant turn direction neurons located with the four major brain regions (Tel – telencephalon, Tec – optic tectum, Cer – cerebellum, and Hind – hindbrain) are shown for n=10 larvae. There is no significant difference between the percentage of neurons across brain regions (p>0.05, paired t-test).