Diffusion of GSK3 inhibitor in PBS and inside HeLa cells.
Comparative (A) averaged FRAP recovery profiles with exponential fits for GSK3 inhibitor (SB216763) (N= 30; R= 0.99 for each of the fits). Dots show prebleach fluorescence, Black line for DMEM, blue for PBS buffer + 50 mg/mL of BSA, green for HeLa cells and orange for HeLa extract. (B) Averaged bleach size profiles with gaussian fits (N= 30; R= 0.99 for each of the fits) and (C) Calculated Dconfocal values. (D-E) Colocalization of GSK3 inhibitor in lysosomal compartments. HeLa cells were treated with Lyso Tracker 633 for 30 mins. GSK3 inhibitor treatment for (D) 45 mins and (E) 2 hours respectively at 10 µM concentrations are also shown. Error bars represent SE calculated from fitting the FRAP progression curves, which are averaged over at least 30 independent measurements.