Regulation of D-type Cyclin Expression by PRC2.1 and PRC2.2
(S5A): Quantification of protein signal from western blot in Fig. 6C for CCND1 (left), CCND2 (center), and CCND3 (right) normalized to Actin. Each bar is the mean for three biological replicates, error bars ±StDev.
*: p-value<0.05, **: p-value<0.005, ***: p-value<0.0005, n.s.: not significant, two tailed unpaired Student’s t-test.
(S5B): Western blots of whole-cell lysates of three-independently isolated monoclonal SUZ12Δ, MTF2Δ and JARID2Δ knockout cell lines probed with the indicated antibodies.
(S5C): qRT-PCR relative quantification of CCND1, CCND2 and CCND3 mRNA levels in wild-type, SUZ12Δ, MTF2Δ and JARID2Δ cells, three biological replicates, performed in technical triplicate, ±StDev.
*: p-value<0.05, **: p-value<0.005, ***: p-value<0.0005, n.s.: not significant, two tailed unpaired Student’s t-test.
(S5D): Dot plot of log2 fold-change for indicated mRNAs in MTF2Δ and JARID2Δ cells. Established cut-off for significant log2-fold change indicated by dashed grey line.
(S5E): Western blot for a panel of G1 regulators from lysates of wild-type, SUZ12Δ, MTF2Δ and JARID2Δ cell lines from three knockout cell lines probed with indicated antibodies.
(S5F): Competitive proliferation assay of CCND1 and CCND2 overexpression cell lines resistance to palbociclib. Wild-type, dox-inducible CCND1 and dox-inducible CCND2 polyclonal HAP1 cell lines (GFP-) were mixed with wild-type cells expressing GFP (GFP+) and treated with either DMSO (mock) or 1.5µM palbociclib, in the presence or absence of 500ng/mL doxycycline. Mock and palbociclib-containing media, with or without doxycycline was replaced daily. Cells were split and GFP-/GFP+ ratio was assessed by flow cytometry every three days. Fitness of each overexpression of each pool was determined by first normalizing the GFP-/GFP+ ratio to the minus doxycycline control and then the ratio of GFP-/GFP+ between the mock and palbociclib conditions.
(S5G): Co-immunoprecipitation of 2xFLAG-2xStrep-CDK6 expressed in wild-type, SUZ12Δ, MTF2Δ and JARID2Δ knockout cell lines, probed with the indicated antibodies.