DREADD activation increases phrenic nerve output in ChAT-Cre rats.
Representative data showing that the J60 DREADD ligand causes a rapid increase in phrenic nerve output (a). Mean data (n= 9; n= 3 females) showing the impact of J60 application on phrenic nerve raw (b) and normalized (c) peak-to-peak amplitude, raw (d) and normalized (e) tonic activity, systolic blood pressure (f), diastolic blood pressure (g), heart rate (h), mean arterial blood pressure (i), and respiratory rate (j). The J60 ligand caused an increase in phrenic peak-to-peak amplitude, and tonic activity. Systolic, diastolic, and mean arterial blood pressure all decreased after J60 application. Heart rate and respiratory rate were not statistically different after J60. In panels b-e, the left phrenic is represented in orange, while right phrenic is blue. Error bars depict ± 1 SEM. Statistical reports for all panels are provided in Supplemental Table 6. Phr = phrenic, amp = amplitude, BL = baseline, SP = systolic pressure, DP = diastolic pressure, HR = heart rate, MAP = mean arterial pressure.