Adaptive chunking improves effective working memory capacity in a prefrontal cortex and basal ganglia circuit

  1. Neuroscience Department; Brown University, Meeting St., Providence, 02912, RI, US
  2. Dept of Cognitive, Linguistic, and Psychological Sciences; Carney Institute for Brain Science, Brown University, 190 Thayer St., Providence, 02912, RI, US

Peer review process

Not revised: This Reviewed Preprint includes the authors’ original preprint (without revision), an eLife assessment, public reviews, and a provisional response from the authors.

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  • Reviewing Editor
    Hang Zhang
    Peking University, Beijing, China
  • Senior Editor
    Jonathan Roiser
    University College London, London, United Kingdom

Reviewer #1 (Public Review):


In this research, Soni and Frank investigate the network mechanisms underlying capacity limitations in working memory from a new perspective, with a focus on visual working memory (VWM). The authors have advanced beyond the classical neural network model, which incorporates the prefrontal cortex and basal ganglia (PBWM), by introducing an adaptive chunking variant. This model is trained using a biologically plausible, dopaminergic reinforcement learning framework. The adaptive chunking mechanism is particularly well-suited to the VWM tasks involving continuous stimuli and elegantly integrates the 'slot' and 'resource' theories of working memory constraints. The chunk-augmented PBWM operates as a slot-like system with resource-like limitations.

Through numerical simulations under various conditions, Soni and Frank demonstrate the performance of the chunk-augmented PBWM model surpasses the no-chunk control model. The improvements are evident in enhanced effective capacity, optimized resource management, and reduced error rates. The retention of these benefits, even with increased capacity allocation, suggests that working memory limitations are due to a combination of factors, including the efficient credit assignments that are learned flexibly through reinforcement learning. In essence, this work addresses fundamental questions related to a computational working memory limitation using a biologically-inspired neural network, and thus has implications for clinical conditions in which working memory is affected, such as Parkinson's disease, ADHD, and schizophrenia.


The integration of mechanistic flexibility, reconciling two theories for WM capacity into a single unified model, results in a neural network that is both more adaptive and human-like. Building on the PBWM framework ensures the robustness of the findings. The addition of the chunking mechanism tailors the original model for continuous visual stimuli. Chunk-stripe mechanisms contribute to the 'resource' aspect, while input-stripes contribute to the 'slot' aspect. This combined network architecture enables flexible and diverse computational functions, enhancing performance beyond that of the classical model.

Moreover, unlike previous studies that design networks for specific task demands, the proposed network model can dynamically adapt to varying task demands by optimizing the chunking gating policy through RL.

The implementation of a dopaminergic reinforcement learning protocol, as opposed to a hard-wired design, leads to the emergence of strategic gating mechanisms that enhance the network's computational flexibility and adaptability. These gating strategies are vital for VWM tasks and are developed in a manner consistent with ecological and evolutionary learning held by humans. Further examination of how reward prediction error signals, both positive and negative, collaborate to refine gating strategies reveals the crucial role of reward feedback in fine-tuning the working memory computations and the model's behavior, aligning with the current neuroscientific understanding that reward matters.

Furthermore, assessing the impact of a healthy balance of dopaminergic reward prediction error signals on information manipulation holds implications for patients with altered striatal dopaminergic signaling.


While I appreciate the novelty of the idea presented in this paper, which aligns with common interests in cognitive neuroscience, I believe there are several areas that require further clarification.

First, the method section appears somewhat challenging to follow. To enhance clarity, it might be beneficial to include a figure illustrating the overall model architecture. This visual aid could provide readers with a clearer understanding of the overall network model.

Additionally, the structure depicted in Figure 2 could be potentially confusing. Notably, the absence of an arrow pointing from the thalamus to the PFC and the apparent presence of two separate pathways, one from sensory input to the PFC and another from sensory input to the BG and then to the thalamus, may lead to confusion. While I recognize that Figure 2 aims to explain network gating, there is room for improvement in presenting the content accurately.

Still, for the method part, it would enhance clarity to explicitly differentiate between predesigned (fixed) components and trainable components. Specifically, does the supplementary material state that synaptic connection weights in striatal units (Go&NoGo) are trained using XCAL, while other components, such as those in the PFC and lateral inhibition, are not trained (I found some sentences in 'Limitations and Future Directions')?

I'm not sure about the training process shown in Figure 8. It appears that the training may not have been completed, given that the blue line representing the chunk stripe is still ascending at the endpoint. The weights depicted in panel d) seem to correspond with those shown in panels b) and c), no? Then, how is the optimization process determined to be finished? Alternatively, could it be stated that these weight differences approach a certain value asymptotically? It would be better to clarify the convergence criteria of the optimization process.

Reviewer #2 (Public Review):


This paper utilizes a neural network model to investigate how the brain employs an adaptive chunking strategy to effectively enhance working memory capacity, which is a classical and significant question in cognitive neuroscience. By integrating perspectives from both the 'slot model' and 'limited resource models,' the authors adopted a neural network model encompassing the prefrontal cortex and basal ganglia, introduced an adaptive chunking strategy, and proposed a novel hybrid model. The study demonstrates that the brain can adaptively bind various visual stimuli into a single chunk based on the similarity of color features (a continuous variable) among items in visual working memory, thereby improving working memory efficiency. Additionally, it suggests that the limited capacity of working memory arises from the computational characteristics of the neural system, rather than anatomical constraints.


The neural network model utilized in this paper effectively integrates perspectives from both slot models and resource models (i.e., resource-like constraints within a slot-like system). This methodological innovation provides a better explanation for the limited capacity of working memory. By simulating the neural networks of the prefrontal cortex and basal ganglia, the model demonstrates how to optimize working memory storage and retrieval strategies through reinforcement learning (i.e., the efficient management of access to and from working memory). This biologically plausible simulation offers a novel perspective on human working memory and potentially provides a novel explanation for the working memory difficulties observed in patients with Parkinson's disease and other disorders. Furthermore, the effectiveness of the model is validated through computational simulation experiments, yielding reliable and robust predictions.


The model employs a spiking neural network, which is relatively complex. Additionally, while this paper validates the effectiveness of chunking strategies used by the brain to enhance working memory efficiency through computational simulations, further comparison with related phenomena observed in cognitive neuroscience experiments on limited working memory capacity, such as the recency effect, is necessary to verify its generalizability.

Author response:

We thank the reviewers for their constructive comments that will help us clarify and strengthen the paper. We will be happy to address all the comments and adjust the text accordingly. Regarding the suggestion in the assessment to include a “more thorough comparison with with human behavior”, we believe this comment reflects one of the reviewer’s comments to compare with order effects (primacy and recency); we did not see any other comments that would reflect this (our existing simulations do make contact with other human behavior regarding error distributions, including probability of recall, precision, sensitivity to reinforcement history, and dopamine manipulation effects on human WM). We thank the reviewers for this comment and we will conduct the appropriate simulations and analysis to compare with sequential effects in working memory.

  1. Howard Hughes Medical Institute
  2. Wellcome Trust
  3. Max-Planck-Gesellschaft
  4. Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation