Overview of uncropped blots used for western blot analysis.
(a,b,c) SNX4 at 50Kda for control (21 days of dcre), 21 days of cre, 18 days of cre and 14 days of cre. Repeated for three different animals, wk1 is normalized to actin and wk2 and wk3 are normalized to unspecific band on the blot. Fold of change is determined for all weeks by normalizing to control per week. (d) Actin at 42 kD for control, 21 days of cre, 18 days of cre and 14 days of cre. Same animal and transfer as SNX4 wk1. (e) VAMP2 at 15 kD for control, 21 days of cre, 18 days of cre and 14 days of cre. Same animal and transfer as SNX4 wk1. (f) Actin at 42 kD for control and 21 days of cre for three different animals on one blot.