Tumor-infiltrating nerves form a circuit connecting to the brain.
(A) Western blot of MOC2-7 whole tumor lysates for Tau (A) and Doublecortin, DCX (B). Tumors were harvested at different time points (as indicated) post-tumor implantation (n=3 mice/time point). Mouse brain, positive control; MOC2-7, whole cell lysate control; β-actin, loading control. Immunohistochemical staining for β-III tubulin (β3T, brown, arrows) of tumors harvested on days 4 (C), 10 (D) and 20 (E) post tumor implantation. Scale bar, 100 µm. Dotted boxes are shown at higher magnification below each panel; scale bar, 50μm. Arrows highlight positive nerves staining. Representative en face confocal image of WGA positive (red) neurites within tumor (F) and the ipsilateral trigeminal ganglion (G) from a mouse orthotopically implanted with a MOC2-7 tumor and intra-tumorally injected with the tracer. Scale bars, 200µm. (H) Low magnification section of ipsilateral and contralateral TGM ganglia from a MOC2-7 tumor-bearing mouse that was intra-tumorally injected with WGA. The V3 branch of the TGM is marked with an arrow. WGA (red) positive neurons found only in the ipsilateral TGM. Scale bar, 500 μm. (I) Compressed Z-stack of confocal images demonstrating restricted WGA (red) within the tumor bed (cytokeratin, green). Vertical and horizontal cross-sections highlight that WGA (red) localizes strictly within the tumor (green) and does not leak out. Yellow shows the merged file. (J) Diagram showing the location of the trigeminal (TGM) ganglion, extension of its neurites into the tumor bed and the existing circuit which includes the spinal nucleus of the TGM (SpVc), the parabrachial nucleus (PBN) and the central amygdala (CeA) which get labeled following WGA injection into tumor. (K) Representative confocal images of the SpVc, PBN and CeA following injection of 2 μl of WGA into an oral MOC2-7 tumor (n=10 mice). Representative confocal images of SpVc, PBN and CeA following injection of (L) 10 μl (n=3 mice) of WGA into the oral cavity of a non-tumor bearing control animal. Scale bar, 50 μm. WGA (red looks pink due to DAPI), DAPI nuclear counterstain (blue).