NMR data show large decrease in the exchange rates on the mutations of the post-SxIP residues.
(A) 11MACF-LLL and 11MACF-VLL peptides induce increased chemical shift changes compared to the 11MACF. Chemical shift differences in the 1H,15N-HSQC spectra between the free EBH and the EBH/11MACF complex (blue), EBH/11MACF and EBH/11MACF-LLL (orange), and EBH/11MACF and EBH/11MACF-VLL (green). (B) Chemical shift changes in the 1H,15N-HSQC spectra on peptide addition observed for the EBH interactions with different peptides illustrated for the Thr249 signal. Superposition of the spectra for the titration of the EBH-ΔC with 11MACF (left), EBH with 11MACF (middle), and EBH with 11MACF-VLL (right). Signals of the free EBH are shown in red, fully bound EBH in blue, and the intermediate titration points are shown in the pale colours. Notice two additional signals that are observed for the EBH/11MACF-VLL titration at the intermediate concentrations corresponding to the non-symmetrical form where EBH dimer binds a single peptide. These signals can only be observed when the exchange between the different forms is very slow. (C) Example of the CEST profiles measured at the irradiation field strength of 12.5, 25 and 50 Hz (left to right) for Asp250. Solid curve represents the fitting of the data into the global exchange model with the dissociation rate 130 s-1 calculate with Chemix software. (D) Exchange rates calculated for the EBH interaction with 11MACF peptide from the combination of the NMR data using the two-stage interaction model, where the folding of the EBH C-terminus follows the peptide binding. (E) Free energy contributions into the EBH interaction with the 11MACF peptide (left) and the mutated 11MACF-VLL peptide (right). The SxIP motif itself contributes approximately half of the binding energy (-15.9 kJ/mol), with the second half created by the interaction of the TPQRK region with the coiled-coli folded part of EBH (-9.3 kJ/mol), and the C-terminal EBH region that folds on the peptide binding (-6 kJ/mol). The VLL mutation increases the interaction with both the coiled-coli folded part of EBH energy (-28.4 kJ/mol) and the EBH C-terminus energy (-12.1 kJ/mol).