Methods for calculating neural (EEG), hypothesis-based (HYP), and artificial neural network (ANN) & semantic language processing (Word2Vec, W2V) model-based representational dissimilarity matrices (RDMs). (A) Steps of computing the neural RDMs from EEG data. EEG analyses were performed in a time-resolved manner on 17 channels as features. For each time t, we conducted pairwise cross-validated SVM classification. The classification accuracy values across different image pairs resulted in each 200 × 200 RDM for each time point. (B) Calculating the three hypothesis-based RDMs: Real-World Size RDM, Retinal Size RDM, and Real-World Depth RDM. Real-world size, retinal size, and real-world depth were calculated for the object in each of the 200 stimulus images. The number in the bracket represents the rank (out of 200, in ascending order) based on each feature corresponding to the object in each stimulus image (e.g. “ferry” ranks 197th in real-world size from small to big out of 200 objects). The connection graph to the right of each RDM represents the relative representational distance of three stimuli in the corresponding feature space. (C) Steps of computing the ANN and Word2Vec RDMs. For ANNs, the inputs were the resized images, and for Word2Vec, the inputs were the words of object concepts. For clearer visualization, the shown RDMs were separately histogram-equalized (percentile units).